robertogozzi It surely CHANGES even when currently outside time range, as the lookback periods change as ...
SkippyTrader Thanks Roberto, but shouldnt the values in the outside time range not be different? As it sh...
robertogozzi Actually it is a constant (I tested them on a 1-hour TF, 9am to 5pm) and outside that time r...
Vonasi Discussion regarding this indicator can be found here:
robert123 hi there, how do you get the images of the knights etc into your code....and is there anywhe...
swapping hello robert123, on this site ->
marcosamo Hello and thank you for this indicator, I have a small problem, it only shows the pawn at th...
marcosamo in fact I just saw a rider, so everything works sorry for my previous question
swapping perfect marcosamo, coupled with ichimoku-price-pattern this is better ;)
Nicolas Sorry I do not provide assistance for Tradestation code.
surfeur Bonjour, Je suis pas expert en PRT donc si qq'un peut m'expliquer un peu le code ? Par...
Nicolas src c'est bien le customclose en effet. ATR, si aucune série de données n'est spécifié, il u...
6 years ago
IV Mcm I've always wondered how to make the ADX faster, thank you!
Vinks_o_7 You welcome !
Vinks_o_7 Another variation that may be more accurate : we calculate the average of normalized DI's in...
6 years ago
Ciccio New version
Ciccio New version 2.0 on the original Forum thread
6 years ago
ribes65 Buongiorno Illenza, Il tuo indicatore è molto efficace, ma non funziona su tutte le azion...
carlvan That's a great indicator and I especially the use of colors, more or less pronounced to indi...
ALE Hello do you want to explain to me in more detail what you have to do? Please replay here:...
quibe56 Bonjour, à priori les couleurs pour le Katana ne fonctionnent pas ( départ haussier ou élan...
swapping Bonjour quibe56, n'ayant pas rencontré ce défaut je continu néanmoins à structurer le code p...
Vonasi Yes that was the issue. I have posted an updated ITF file here:
crolakstrading @vonasi Thank you for fixing the issue! This is a great indicator.
gregoire good evening vonasi , I had made the request to create this indicator a few years ago and I ...
XXXXVII Great job! Indeed it leaves to think ..
Jigsaw20000 Bonjour, vous auriez un conseil pour régler l'affichage de l'indicateur ? les textes s'affic...
Giogio hello dear Vonasi, thank you for your indicator, can I ask you for some help in order to let...
Pottar24 HI Vonasi I would like to know how can this algorithm give me the value of the last max e mi...
parthapersonal Hello Vonasi, Great work. Is it possible to replicate this to get values of "Price Line" (1...
tobytarczy Hi Vonasi, Sounds lovely, I race yachts around europe myself. Most regattas cancelled unfor...
mlouys Hello Vonasi thank for your work ! A question how can we do it for minutes ( or 15 min or x ...
Vonasi I think that would be possible but probably in a whole new indicator as detecting when a new...
SL Hi, Fer666 Thank you for sharing. If I want to show daily ST on a 10_min intraday chart...
SL correction above... system had remove"not equal" signs Line 19 : change to if WeekNo "Not...
SL OK... I had figured out... need more than that. Thank you anyway.
thierrybl Thanks a lot
B-ling1 Hi Vonasi, I love this indicator - good job! Just one question: If I want the monthly OHLC L...
ezman Copy and paste this code, don't work. error!
6 years ago
dario ti please can you help me to understand? i know i am wrong: Long Histogram = High Volume S...
TAC Bolsa hi, I have already seen the problem and requested that it be removed until an adequate so...
sixeight Hey TAC, Did you ever find a solution to this?
