Appsoluxions Hi Nicolas, do you have the MT4 version of the indicator? I am not sure if these kind of que...
Nicolas Hi, don't have one sorry. But you can still ask for private coding through our programming s...
Appsoluxions Cool. Thanks for the response.
Domenec Hola Nicolas todo y el suavizado es como el awesome da ala señal 3 velas atrasada a veces de...
Lednora Bonjour à tous, Merci pour ce superbe indicateur! Est-il possible de rajouter une alerte su...
TAC Bolsa Estas equivocado al 99,9%. La correlación entre las series de precios y volúmenes las des...
Domenec Si hablas de un indice regional como el Ibex es posible que sea asi yo nunca lo he operado y...
TAC Bolsa Regional de Mostoles, en una cosa tienes razón mejor dejarlo aquí...
GUCCI ONE Bonjour, Nicolas. Pourriez-vous m'aider à transformer cet indicateur en screener, svp ? Merci
Nicolas disponible ici:
julien1978 hello to all, i recently discovered this indicator. would it be possible to add the detectio...
Domenec Claro Juanjo de todas maneras en tienes estsos osciladores evolucionad...
Dron Hola Domenec, en la descripción hablas del indicador velas de colores, no lo encuentro en la...
Domenec Hola Dron mira en el blog en formacion indicadores ahi hay varios grat...
Marcot18 Buonasera Maurinho, interessante l'indicatore che ha i proposto ma ancora di più interessant...
maurinho ciao marcot18 l'indicatore pubblico /proffessional lo puoi scaricare si chiama progo di will...
james effiong This strategy looks good
7 years ago
enricot Scusa nn riesco.
SoloContado If you smooth the signal using a "summation" function, you get a nice "crossing of 0" graph....
ShaunG Greatly appreciated Nicolas!
Gianluca ok i fixed it i hope is ok like this: //TAC trader zone 10.2 | indicator //01.01.2018 //R...
TAC Bolsa Hello try this new version or view the blog with the new indicators .. https://www.t...
TAC Bolsa Sorry, TAC Trader Zone V2
AGTrader Interesante, muy visual Doc. Felicidades!!!
Andraxx simplemente impresionante Dom...te sigo en youtube. Me ha gustado tu canal. Gracias por comp...
7 years ago
luxrun Thank you so much Tac BOLSA, I can not post the picture tonight I'll try tomorrow. I loaded ...
TAC Bolsa A new version of TAC Volume HPI DIV10.4 is available. that marks the divergence In the fo...
Raymundo Buenas tardes. Como puedo descargar algunos indicadores de esta pagina ?
Ravindra Khanna copied it to pro real time not working. what to do?
rama I want to use this indicator in trading system, it says zig zag is obsolete and not supported
Nicolas Right, due to its repainting behavior, the zigzag is not allowed in automated trading with r...
rama I noticed it changes as time progress, I am 7 as the average, how many period it wont chang...
mangiaragni Buongiorno io non riesco a visualizzare nessun tipo di volume , mi torna sempre una linea dr...
Nicolas Assicurati che lo strumento che stai guardando abbia dei volumi! È il caso?
Nicolas Add it on price using the wrench on the left upper side of the price chart.
Stenozar thanks Nicolas, I' ll try again!
Radetzky Buongiono e grazie : l'immagine sopra ritrae l'indicatore sul TF 15 min ma a me funzio...
Steven Hi im looking for some help to put a automated code together BUY ORDER If EMA 10/25 is...
Dwell Thank you! Great tool!
ftrader8637 Any possibility to have this for multicharts. Sorry I am not a programer :-(
Nicolas Hi, we do not offer free assistance for other trading platform than ProRealTime. There is no...
MauroPro It is possible to apply this indicator ON the chart , because when I try to apply the formul...
Nicolas Yes, just apply it on the price chart by using the wrench on the left upper side of your pri...
MauroPro Hi Nicolas, thanks for the reply, I managed to apply the indicator on the chart.
Geronima Ortiz okay bien estaré pendiente en esta pagina gracias
Domenec Aqui dejo colgado link del video para ver como funciona el indicador
Geronima Ortiz Gracias Domenec
