Nicolas Questo indicatore è stato progettato solo per i dati intraday, ma potrebbe essere adattato a...
MrCrous //FR Bonjour, Dans le code ci dessus, je ne comprends pas ce que fait la ligne : linea...
Nicolas J'ai déjà répondu à cette question quelque part sur le forum. Il faudrait chercher un topic ...
Thomas007 Is there any way to build something similar for FX? I wonder what would be the replacement f...
Kris75 Hi Bolsatrilera, I love this indicator! Thanks; => did you develop a strategy around...
atxeel Very nice, Thank you! Bard
Bard No worries!
David0972 Bonjour, Je cherche à exclure des dates pour un algo. Voici un code en indicateur pour fa...
redz bonjour, comment changer les paramettre de la BB en 20 , 2.2 ? hello, how to change BB sett...
Realtime82 Hi I was wondering if it would be possible to get an alert (by sound) when the signals shows...
besserwerden Hi, i like this bollinger moz arrwos. How can I use this indicator in an screener? I want to...
8 years ago
oraclus Merci il lui ressemble bcp
juanj Think this is something we can experiment with in the 'universal' strategy along with the Bo...
ggolfet Hello Francesco, thanks for the code. Now I can do backtests on this indicator. I'm testin...
rispardin no entiendo como funciana este indicador, por favor alguien podria explicar como utilizarlo???
AVT No se trata de un solo indicador, pero cada linea muestra otra información, de abajo hacia ...
IV Mcm Your indicator is interesting, I evaluated its relevance with the squeeze to detect the phas...
dzim0032 J'avais oublié de mettre un commentaire pour la vente du scalper dont les règles sont justes...
8 years ago
Bard Kase Peak Out using Williams High Volatility Vix Fix Formula: (This finds market tops and bo...
Bard *Correction: if barindex>kpoLongCycle*2 then //ccLog = Log(Close[0]/Close[1]) ccWV...
Kris75 Hi Gabri I launched a very simple strategy based on the 3 bars trailing stop that you cre...
TimDeCat Hi. Has anyone coded a version that you could alter it to say 5 bar trailing stop? ie make ...
Nicolas Please open a new topic in forums so we can code it there, thanks.
Nicolas No sorry, please use this file instead into a prorealtime trading platform.
rdabbs I just installed this indicator. It opens in its own pane rather than overlaid on the chart ...
Nicolas Just apply it on your price chart instead and you're ok.
8 years ago
Cris48  Nice Pier, I put inside also the adx .... //settings//b=20 if low < low[1] thenllv = (...
parthdesai11 Indicator not working in Beta Version 11.1 , Any idea ??
Nicolas What is the issue with version 11 and this indicator please?
finplus bonjour, il y a un problème à la fin du code avec elsif (close 0 then ... ne manque t il pas...
kj1988 Hello Nicolas, thank you for this useful indicator. Could you tell me how I can remove the...
Nicolas remove lines 101 to 103
Lotech123 Thanks for this indicator. Working on a 3 M timeframe with the DJI, it can produce some inte...
JSTAR PRODUCTIONS Hi there, I downloaded the Indicator but the indicator does not show up on my charts. Am...
JSTAR PRODUCTIONS Hi, Worked it out. Thanks
GraHal Yes sorry, I set up a link to a screen shot on my google drive and then I got locked into th...
gabri Here's the thread
Bernard13 Bonjour Nicolas, Pourriez-vous m'indiquer si cet indicateur fonctionne avec la V11 ? Le di...
KarlBenjamin This "indicator" alone has completely changed my algorithms for the better! Id even go as fa...
coyP Big thanks ! Can you explain me how can I put this ON my graph and not under the graph please ?
8 years ago
Pocket Pivots indicator
Pocket Pivots indicator
@Dazzle101 Sorry, Line 139 should say; RETURN ind1 COLOURED(0, 0, 200) AS "Pocket Pivot" When posted...
@Dazzle101 Update Code More accurate signals // ---------------------------------- // The Po...
TheN00b Hi, is there Crypto Version, forex version? thank you
