gabri Roman made the strategy, I made the code and Maze made it bulltproof. You can use it I belie...
Roman Francesco78 here is the strategy:
Francesco78 Thank you!
8 years ago
jiminykricket Hi Nicolas, Its fair to say i'm a relative novice with ProRealtime and as such i am not sur...
Nicolas You can use assisted creation in probacktest, you'll get a quick overview on how to call a p...
jiminykricket Thanks Nicolas, i'll take a look
CavalierDeCesDames Bonjour Nicolas, Thanks for your use full job. I tried this indicator on a shorter timefram...
Nicolas You are welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Bolbo It does not appear over the price indicator on V11. Thanks in advance.
Maxime Baudin Nice, thanks!
rowestock Hi Nicolas, I am revisiting this indicator and wanted to ask, is it possible to replace sty...
Nicolas Why not, please add a new request in our probuilder forums.
majid52026 Hi I want MBXF Timing for mq5 Does anyone have this indicator???
dertopen Hi Nicolas good work for the code translation when i chek the mbfx system site i see in t...
Nicolas Yes, just change the color by yourself in the indicator settings window.
bearbull As per PhilipSchultz question above, has anybody managed to add code for when it turns blue,...
Ybr35 Bonjour Nicolas, lorsque je lance l'indicateur, il m'est indiqué que je dois définir les var...
Nicolas L'idéal est de télécharger le fichier itf joint sur cette page et de l'importer dans la plat...
fabio407 Thanks, Nicolas. Very useful. Would you tell me where to find what result conveys the functi...
Nicolas This is not an instruction of the programming language but a variable from this indicator (l...
fabio407 OK. I didn't notice it. Many thanks, Nicolas!
8 years ago
DeMarker Indicator
DeMarker Indicator
HeikinAshi How do you spot the divergences? Do you use an divergence-finder indicator?
gabri HeikinAshi, you can use this divergency finder
HeikinAshi Thanks Gabri, I thought in this direction. I'll check it out, thanks!
albertocampagna Sei grande Nicolas :-)
SAcht Dear Nicolas, Great work, thank you very much!I would love to use the indicator in ProScree...
SAcht btw: The above-posted ProScreener is supposed to show stocks for which the center line has i...
Djo Not working on V11. The RSI doesn't appear on the chart.
Mika83 Bonjour, J'ai des soucis de lecture de syntaxe avec la variable "drawsegment" sur la versio...
seb234 Salut Mika, j'ai la version V11.1, la formule fonctionne. Mais il est préférable, dixit Nico...
8 years ago
AutoFlanders Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà remarqué, sur ce graphique, que les bougies montantes sont rouges et l...
lilo789 Bonjour, Merci Mr Nicolas pour ce très bon indicateur. Une excellente stratégie qui est t...
Nicolas Les codes postés sont libres et appartiennent à tous, faites en ce que vous voulez :)
bolsatonimora2 Hi, nice indicator, it´s possible to include a middle line with 50 value? ty!
gabri Hi, EMA26 approximate almost exactly the 50% line
Alain Wilder MA is exactly the 50% line
8 years ago
Loop Hi All! Would it be possible to have the same indicator with the MACD calculated with the DE...
Nicolas Why not, but do you think it would make such a noticeable difference?
Loop Good question Nicolas! That's why I was curious to check it! MACD based on DEMA is usually m...
Leo Hi Gabri, have you ever try this in a trading system?
gabri Leo, I used to crosscheck this indicator a long time ago. For the trading I was doing at tha...
Nolubok Bonjour Gabri, merci pour l'ensemble de vos publications, serait il possible d'avoir le scr...
8 years ago
Volume Stops
Volume Stops
Aragorna Hello, ask for a help, please. why the indicator in my PRT is in a different area and not in...
Nicolas Add it on the price chart:
Infanta Congratulations. Of all the indicators that I have been able to examine, in my opinion and f...
8 years ago
Alex975 Wilder personalmente lo definisco un poeta del trading..  Utilizzo alcuni strumenti di Wild...
AleX Vi faccio partecipi dell'evoluzione del mio studio, mi avete appassionato a Wilder che da ig...
gabri Grazie mille Alex!!  
wtangsiri Bonjour J'ai importé le fichier ITF en question, mais cela me donne, en bas de l'écran, un...
Nicolas Il faut ajouter l'indicateur sur le graphique du prix.
skuggan89 This is a great indicator, works very well!! Is there any algo based on this indicator that ...
8 years ago
Marcel Thank you for this one. I played around with this indicator with Bollinger Bands around it i...
