8 years ago
T3 Velocity
T3 Velocity
tatankayotanka As you can do to set a marker directly in the price property page and then view it such as m...
Nicolas It may be a good idea to discuss this in the forum instead. Please open a new topic in probu...
Wester Hi, is this more or less the same as the TTM Squeeze indicator (john carter)
Nicolas I don't know really, just like you I found a lot of different formulas there and there on th...
CarlosFC  Thanks a lot Nicolas. I posted it. Carlos.
besho hello Nicolas how can i get this indicator i tried copy and paste the code but i didn't...
Guibourse Hi ! I am asking once again for your help : would it be possible to use the ATR as a "take p...
Tradingrob Many thanks for the indicator, however if the price is below the indicator, then the indicat...
aldtrading Merci pour ton travail ! J'ai de bons résultats en utilisant cet indicateur
Etienne Hi, I'm quite late in this thread. I'd just like to propose an enhancement because this in...
Nicolas Thanks Etienne.
Bard Hi Nicolas, I wanted to make this scaled indicator above between -1 and +1 instead of 0 to +...
Nicolas The code is correct, don't know if the label and color are the same as other trading softwar...
peppe novellino Hi Nicolas, the settings of the alligators are not editable. How can I change it? Thanks in ...
pabo_swe I got very bad performance with this script, it was slow... it seems like if one breaks out ...
juju333 Merci Nicolas, j'utilisais avec bonheur ce code dans la 10.3, il ne tourne plus dans la v11....
Nicolas Remplacer les lignes 11 et par 12 avec: yearlyHigh = Highest[max(1,BarIndex - lastYearBarI...
juju333 merci !!!
Madrosat Bonjour Nicolas Je souhaiterais faire colorier le fond du graphique supérieur en vert lorsq...
Nicolas Merci d'ouvrir un sujet dans le forum approprié.
Nwab Hello Mr Nicolas.. Please how can I set this up as an indicator to work on mt5. Your guidan...
8 years ago
Kuskus Starlight
Kuskus Starlight
luigiR sara ovviamente mia premura condividerla nn appena sara pronta
Nicolas Why are posting your question here?! Its not related to this indicator...Please use the foru...
luigiR Hi Nicholas, excuse me, but I don't know about this opportunity, I try, sorry again
larouedegann best with this hour IF TIME =081000 THEN plushaut=highest[2](high) plusbas = lowest[2](lo...
CanAny1Trade Hi! I'm trying to put together a similar indicator but struggling. I want to mark the NY Pit...
jeanphi0034 Hello, I would like to use the QQE indicator which is based on smooth RSI as far as I unders...
ilstefano Bonjour Nicolas, te serait il possible de rajouter la fast ATR manquante dans le code? Merci
Nicolas Désolé je ne comprends pas la question ?
8 years ago
Newbie Okay... Scrap that call for help! I've gone through the documentation and taught myself... I...
Nicolas Please open a new topic for this query in the screeners forum.
Newbie Fantastic work here. This is fantastic for entry spotting.
8 years ago
Murray math levels
Murray math levels
MonopolyTm Hello, Do you think it is possible to code something similar to the example in the following...
robertogozzi Why HAUT and BAS have been calculated AFTER line 8? Shouldn't they be calculated BEFORE lin...
zilliq Be careful, It works only if you are in daily timeframe, and on your graphic you are on hou...
DerPat I guess you are right, like always. If you change n to 24 you have at least the hours of a d...
gabri DerPat, you can also change line1 to read as follow to adapt this script to hourly timefram...
8 years ago
8 years ago
Arnaud HALVICK Great indicator, thank you!
JMat45 Hi Nicolas, just reviewing this indicator and noticed that you have double assigned the vari...
Nicolas That would not make any difference because the code is read from top to bottom.
9 years ago
Low-High Bands
Low-High Bands
supertiti Hola Petrus Estas aficionado de vino para tener este mote ? El canal de donchian es la bas...
Petrus Hombre, no te diré que no me guste el vino, y en especial éste, pero aún me faltan muchos tr...
Petrus Saludos desde Barcelona!
Nicolas Use the wrench of the price chart! Upper left of the window
Dymjohn The wrench shows options for the components of the indicator not how to show in the main cha...
Conte Caimano
9 years ago
Butterworth Filter
Butterworth Filter
Nicolas Do I need to change the code accordingly to your formula?
StefanoCG ciao Fabio ... non hai mica tutti i torti ... la notte bisognerebbe dormire per non scrivere...
