Bard Hello Nicolas, thanks for posting this Fisher Transform code. I was reading John Ehler's MES...
9 years ago
Wilko Dear Nicolas, When I apply this code i get marginal differences with the default indicator ...
Nicolas I don't know about the differences from this version and the default platform one. As far as...
Wilko Thanks for the tip about CustomClose! I wasn't aware of this.
Nicolas I would not recommend using this version of the linear regression channel, but this one inst...
Aragorna Hello, Is it possible to updated the indicator to the more updated versione of ProrealTime? ...
Nicolas Use that code instead:
9 years ago
Aroon Oscillator
Aroon Oscillator
gianlox seems a good indicator, have tried to see which markets work better?
gianlox seems a good indicator, have tried to see which markets work better? 
9 years ago
Brad More code that just throw up loads of errors...   Here's one:Error in the indicator: ...
Nicolas ITF files are made to be imported directly into the platform with the prorealtime tools embe...
lglmrc Can't make it work, says: "Define p variable"
Ezio Hi Xel and thanks, do you know if there is a way in PRC of reading/counting intraday ticks?...
inadis ive just discovered this, i must say very nice thanks.
Doctrading @ Rikke, Beware of such an indicator. It's just an indicator, not a trading system. You ca...
parsons40 Hello, All. Can anyone inform me how the above binary indicator or any similar indicator co...
sixtofer Hola, me gustó mucho este indicador. Pero, a la hora de instalarlo me da error en la línea 4...
totof for those who are interested, I made this small modification of the code for the eWMA which ...
totof //parameters : period = 20 lookback = 1 IF BarIndex < period THEN eVWMA = Close EL...
Pi Hello Totof, I was looking for the code for the 'eVWMA = elastic Volume Weighted Moving Aver...
9 years ago
Biturbanipal  Hello, Supertiti, Fine signal, in first approach ! But, i am not sure to understand exact...
supertiti Buy: when crossing UP averages 3 (green ellipses) ...............yesSell: when passing DOWN ...
Lepori Joël bonsoir, tout d'abord un grand bravo pour tout ce que vous poster c'est vraiment impressionn...
Doctrading Bonjour Joël, C'est normal, il suffit d'aller dans les propriétés de l'indicateur (il faut ...
Lepori Joël Merci beaucoup c'est vraiment gentil de me répondre.Bonne semaine à vous Jo
9 years ago
VWAP Bands
VWAP Bands
Nicolas This is exactly what this other VWAP intraday indicator is doing:
marcov66 Hi Nicolas, I would like to create 3 standard deviations (+/-) based on VWAP linked to volu...
Nicolas Sure, please open a new topic about that specific query and with a complete explanation in t...
9 years ago
Price Action Indicator
Price Action Indicator
Grantx When I add this code, the indicator appears in the panel below price. How do I get it to dis...
Patrik72 Hello, thank you very much for the great indicator. One question, is it possible just have l...
datageek is it possible to add Mid pivot points (midR1 and MidS1)?
9 years ago
eisi Found the solution in a forum post from nicolas...thank you :)
hua hin Bonjour merci pour votre contribution Comment changer les horaire je voudrai mettre l hora...
desmondlua once maxii=undefined once minii=undefined once maxi1=undefined once mini1=undefined once...
Ronny Should C5 = Chikou > SSpanA[26] and Chikou > SSpanB[26] be C5 = Chikou > SSpanA and... Chikou = close[26] it's a mistake. Chikou Span is today's closing moved back 26 periods. It...
Nicolas Indeed, there is a mistake in that code. It is often the case when using Ichimoku and its tr...
9 years ago
pareras13 Buenos dias, m'he descargado el indicador pero no me aparece en el precio. Tengo la versión ...
Rua022 Buenas tardes, para la versión 12 tiene un par de errores por lo que no se puede ejecutar , ...
