Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
JohnScher Short variant, see at https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/late-lunch-trade-dax40-strategy/
DANY Hi JohnScher, Thanks a lot for your contribution. Consider this release to avoid overfit...
JohnScher Thank you so much for exploring the Late Lunch Strategy. For discussion and in answer to yo...
Chrisinobi Hallo John, dein Indikator gefällt mir wirklich gut, kannst du ein Alarm mit einarbeiten auf...
JohnScher For a long time now, however, I have been involved only now and then with with popgun indica...
jonpt88 hI . THIS LOOKS GOOD. Thanks. Just one doubt: is this kind of impulse indicator - does it sh...
mfejza also, for long trailing stop d2=low d1=lowest[3](d2)+1/3*AverageTrueRange[20](close) d3...
2 years ago
effegi A good alternative solution, even I had thought of the variant that uses high and low (proba...
Seb did you automate that 1-2-3 strategy? how is that working for you?
effegi Not yet, I'm busy developing other strategies/indicators at the moment, but it's on my to-do...
larouedegann Amélioration du code ............................... Je trouvais assez frustrant d'attendre...
larouedegann if TIME=081500 then valeurhaute= highest[1](high) valeurbasse= lowest[1](low) milieu = v...
BenJuice JohnScher, merci de partager ta stratégie. Je suis nouveau dans ce domaine, sur ton code q...
JohnScher As a percentage of the price, here 2%. StopLoss as well as TargetProfit. SL and TP come ...
Wilko I absolutely love the simplicity of this mean-reversion strategy. Well done!
Patrice210 bonjour STANKO, effectivement la première ligne apparait en anomalie et je ne comprend pas v...
KumoNoJuzza Hi guys, Thanks @Stanko and everyone for your contributions. I have been playing around ...
Stanko Hi KumoNoJuzza, thanks for the post. I also tried your code with Dax and the performance is ...
magnus59 Hi Nicolas, thaks for your great work here, I need a scanner for the swedish OMX when ma...
Nicolas Yes, sure please open a new topic in the ProScreener forum section, thank you.
paullyons Hello! Thanks for post your indicators. I'd like you to let me know how to draw lines for ...
thomas2004ch Hi, Is this startegy suitable for daily SPY? Regards
ebous64 Je cherche à traiter des effets de bords avec un encadrement ajustable des variables. Vous a...
thomas2004ch What are the values for nbx, nby, pbx, pby, ptsup, stplos, stptg, tp, vsmax, vsmin?
2 years ago
DELBERT Bonjour , Nicolas , je voudrais installer cet indicateur sur ma PRT , version 10.3 , mais je...
Nicolas En effet, il faut à minima une version 11. La 10.3 est tellement ancienne maintenant.. Je pe...
DELBERT Bonjour , Nicolas , merci pour ta réponse , je fais un essai et je verrais . Salutations .
Rafa Hi Nicolas! I can´t install this indicator. it installs in a separate window not as an av...
Nicolas Add it on the price, see how: https://www.prorealcode.com/blog/video-tutorials/how-to-add-an...
Frankyslo1 No consigo instalarlo en el precio en PRL-version 10
jonpt88 This is great! Such a job you did!. I do not really understand though how it works.
Bruno Carnazzi Thank you, I've just realized that all links are missing in the description. You can find th...
Madrosat repainting as cog or not repainting?
Nicolas It doesn't repaint.
amiri bonjour Khaled pouvez vous me dire comment regler l'indicateur pour qu'il affiche les block...
pintris Hi, same request. Could someone help in creating a screener for this great indicator that sc...
gaby IDE merci beaucoup, je l'ai mais il se place en bas avec le rsi, comment le placer au dessus sur...
2 years ago
KijunTrend indicator
KijunTrend indicator
Msport71 Nicolas, buongiorno. Grazie del cortese aiuto. Buona giornata. Carlo
MaoRai54 Thanks Nicolas, it seems to work well on 1H TF on Dax. !!!
Khaled Thank you Nicolas! Looks like TDI (Trader Dynamic Index). Interesting to give Exit Signal as...
Nicolas ColorBetween is an instruction added last year: https://www.prorealcode.com/documentation/co...
finplus Bonjour, serait-il possible de remplacer l'écart formé par les bandes de Bollinger par l'ATR...
Khaled As this section of the forum is in English, I'll reply in English. I'm using PRT v11, so I d...
sal157011 Don't understand where it says: "Volume Pressure Histogram: Columns plotted in positive are ...
Khaled Not sure to understand the question. However, the columns (Histogram) represent the variable...
