Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
3 years ago
DELBERT Bonsoir , Nicolas , j'ai transféré votre indicateur sur ma PRT 10,3 et j'ai un méssage d'ére...
Nicolas Vous pouvez essayer en remplacant la ligne avec: vwapsd = sqrt(average[lengthz](square(clo...
DELBERT Bonsoir , merci Nicolas , a bientôt .
AndPar Buongiorno Nicolas, vorrei provare questo indicatore, ma quando lo inserisco in PRT mi vengo...
Nicolas Basta aggiungerlo al prezzo https://www.prorealcode.com/blog/video-tutorials/how-to-add-an-i...
Aragorna hello Nicolas, this indicator works with the last Beta version of PRT? Ive seen tha many in...
3 years ago
DIDI Index
DIDI Index
SnorreDK Works extremely well - How? How do u implement this in a startegy? Breakoutstrategy?
Keyeming Thanks, but yes same question as above, some explanations on how to read it would be appreci...
Bateson Bonjour. Merci beaucoup ! J'ai installé l'indicateur sur PRT 11 mais pour des raisons qui ...
3 years ago
ichimoku soft
ichimoku soft
DELBERT Bonjour , je voudrais savoir si votre indicateur peut être installé sur PRT V.10.3 ou s'il e...
khashayar Hi I wrote for version 11. But I think it works for version 10.3 as well. Thanks
3 years ago
japan 225 cash 1 h
japan 225 cash 1 h
superfalcio Hello adconsulting, after the 2024 performance are you going to adjust the japan parameters?
adconsulting ciao, ho fatto delle modifiche. mi sono spostato sul time frame a 15 minuti per ridurre gli ...
superfalcio ok grazie, ottimo lavoro, sto vedendo le simulazioni... - a me non piace per principio il D...
Darren Nash I found this works well on the DOW
thomas2004ch Hi John, Is your strategy suitable for daily SPY? Regards
gatowman Hi, ich bin leider Anfänger, habe den Code zwar importiert, aber scheinbar läuft er nicht au...
Madrosat how do you use carnazzi filter in a strategy : smoothing , stop ,tendance
Bruno Carnazzi I have completely revised the mathematical foundations of this tool and offer you the finali...
3 years ago
3 years ago
Stephane0174 Bonjour et merci pour le Screener. Je suis nouveau ici et je ne connais rien en programmati...
Nicolas Je pense que c'est le copier/coller des guillemets qui pose problème, il faudrait les retape...
KAMJKAZE thanks, really interesting!
2c95 thanks, why do U prefer average than lowest ? to close under average does'nt mean another...
3 years ago
