Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Bruno Carnazzi Il me semble que la fonction "floor" n'est disponible qu'avec PRT11, à vérifier
DELBERT Bonjour , merci pour votre réponse , je m'excuse je suis avec PRT v10.3 donc c'est indicateu...
Nicolas c'est juste, c'est une instruction très récente.
Stenozar Hi Sever, how can I visualize the coloured areas?
Sever Hi Stenozar, You need to add the color zones yourself , just go to Add Color Zone To set ...
CederTrader Hi Denis, does this indicator add to the chart as panel, or on the candles. Thanks
Nicolas Add it on the price chart as described in this video: https://www.prorealcode.com/blog/video...
Denis Hello Nicolas and Ceder Trader, Sorry, I only just saw your replies. The indicator is alre...
arrey Hello all, I was really interested to play around this indicator but I received an error ...
maxlys Bonjour, Merci pour cet indicateur. Pou rma part fonctionne bien sur PRT 11. Comment le modi...
crolakstrading not sure why its not working at all!
YvesRobert Hi smp, how should I configure this indicator because everything is at zero -> High, Clos...
smp Hi, this is an end of day pivots indicator, so you need to find the end of day pivot info; t...
YvesRobert Thank you smp.
smp I also have an End Of Day (EOD) cash pivot indicator for use on cash markets; this indicator...
atlante hi nicolas this indicator have 2 wrong borderline and islalastbarupdate. thank you can you h...
Nicolas That'"s because you are not using PRT v11? Just remove lines 59 to 62
Kanamax Hi Roberto, sorry for my confusing previous posts (forget them). My request is very simple,...
robertogozzi Please start a new topic in ProOrder support.
robertogozzi An updated version can be found here https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/conversion-of-pine-sc...
jissey Bonjour Robertogozzi, cet indicateur est interessant mais serait-il possible de marquer la ...
robertogozzi Sure, but you should start a new topic on the Probuilder support forum. Thank you :)
robertogozzi There you go: myMagicTrend = CALL “Magic Trend custom”[20, 14, 1, 5] alpha = 105 b = 0...
johann8 exactly :) Thank you all for the help!
max_92 Ciao Roberto, ho scaricato l'indicatore e come ti avevano già scritto sopra anch'io vedo la ...
Maxime Baudin Excellent timing indicator to confirm or deny entries in the market, congratulations Roberto...
aldtrading Thanks for your work. Would you mind explaining briefly how the volatility threshold works, ...
robertogozzi As the author said "I also introduced a volatility threshold that excludes minimal penetrati...
emism12 Looks great, personally I don't use automated trading for single stocks, but is definitely o...
adconsulting Ciao, I look that the strategy (backtest 50 k), works very good wiht US 500 CASH 1 EURO in...
Kev Monaghan The equity curve looks to follow the stock price almost perfectly, Have you tested on stock ...
skfomx I have a thread in pro screener support where I describe some problems with the creation of ...
cdc.andersson Hej! Jag försöker lära mig att koda PRT. Jag vill testa en strategi med RSI-värde, ATR-värde...
Swingforfortune Du kan väl jämföra om open > close (röd) eller open < close (grön)
jonpt88 Thank you so much :). In the beginning I thought I cannot see the 10x return haha it is much...
jonpt88 Hello everyone - can anyone be so kind to add to the 10R modification the 0.50R (before the ...
JC_Bywan Hi, with added 0.5R, happy new year: defparam DRAWONLASTBARONLY=true LeR=myentry-mys...
ChemaGeek Bonjour Nicolas, j'ai récemment découvert cet indicateur (Regularized Momentum 2017) et je l...
YvesRobert Bonjour, nouveau sur PRT (qq jours), j'essaie un peu de voir quel type d'indicateur me convi...
