Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
5 years ago
bertrandpinoy Hello Zigo can you turn into an automatic strategy?
eckaw Hey @Zigo thanks for this indicator. May I ask what the multiplier 1.682 is derived from? I ...
Zigo Hello, eckaw, its not so important I had meant 1.618 and not 1.682. It has nothing to do wit...
jimkn0pf Christopher, wie saehe denn die Formel ohne Kontrollkerze (3. Kerze) aus?
bobanteo Hi Cristofer, thanks for sharing. Would it be possible to delete the confirmation candle af...
SkippyTrader Cheers - Been trying configure for weekly-trading. Anyone configured it for weekly buys ...
sam00075 This gives awesome results ! Thanks Is there a way to transform it into a bearish version ?
Nicolas Here is the version for bearish stocks: indicator1 = ExponentialAverage[50](close) indicato...
Dunstan I would like to get guidance_ How do I access and attach this indicator to my MT5 platform...
Nicolas You can't, use prorealtime, it's way better
jc84 Thank you very much for this indicator , not provided by PRT I was actually working at thi...
Nicolas Oui le code est correct et il fonctionne, j'ai de bons résultats sur la liste NASDAQ par exe...
pincherman Bonjour :-) J'ai coller le script dans prorealtime pour jouer avec le supertrend et j'ai un...
Nicolas Vous l'avez sans doute collé au mauvais endroit, dans l'éditeur de code pour les stratégies,...
IV Mcm Bonjour, Je ne reconnais pas cette ligne dans le code, essayer de télécharger directement le...
Manu L. Bonjour, Possible de créer un screnner multiframe Mois dans Ichimoku semaine dans Ichimok...
Guillaume Mcm I gave the above message fix ;)
Tradingrob Is it possible to put the itf-file in the right way here in Prorealcode? so the right 'trend...
Guillaume Mcm Update link ;) https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/trend-histogramme-cci-mise-a-jour-suite-...
ggolfet Hi Actarus, what's the name of the histogram indicator below Apple's chart?
Actaru5 Flag ShowState in setting and show histogram
NicolaSilvagni hi, thank you for creating this indicator. i can't figure out how to get the three graphs b...
larouedegann It doesn't work
ggolfet it seems it's not working on prorealtime 11. I changed MACDSignal to MACDSign in order to av...
juanj Please note that the indicator is meant for PRT 10.3
khashayar Hi Can you please upload the TMA channel code? Thank you
oyinloyea Is it possible to have the open and close price in Box format for the different sessions. Th...
