Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Stanko Ciao doctrading, grazie per il tuo contributo. Volevo chiederti se hai tenuto in osservazion...
Stanko Buongiorno doctradinge buongiorno a tutti. Vorrei riportare all'attenzione questo sistema p...
Meta Signals Pro Hi, Yes I am monitoring all the strategies posted on this site and I confirm that the strat...
Luciole I aslo got this error message with EU version : "A positive integer parameter is expected wi...
Suzu Yuk So Does anyone knows how to fix the error "“A positive integer parameter is expected with HI...
Thomas I haven't solved it yet. I suspect it has to do with the data cache. The problem has never o...
5 years ago
luxrun sorry, add prt code add doesn't work
robertogozzi Don't worry about PRT code, I can't make it work either! Great for pointing that out, it's ...
Khaled @Luxrun, good morning, you mentionned "y = exponentialaverage (x)", isn't the period of the ...
luxrun One question, Roberto: the two AvgT are variable, could you explain to me what they regulate...
robertogozzi AvgT stands for Average Type, it's a parameter for the AVERAGE keyword (https://www.prorealc...
Pierreco1991 Hello Can you confirm this configuration for FRANCE ? //Time in UTC+8 Rest0Minutes =...
oliverkeim Hi, also here not working. Only white lines.
killerplatuze Dont work anymore with the current version?
KryptoKat tolle Arbeit, professionell
Bard Hi @Vonasi, this is an excellent tool! I noticed you times by 180 and was wondering why? W...
Bard I have no idea what is wrong with the posting on this website. I have problems editing posts...
Bard And now my first post displays okay? It literally had copies of my orig post all added toget...
woktrade Superbe !
Vonasi An updated version with a bug fix can be found here: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/dis...
snucke hey Vonasi is it possible you can help me get this indicator to show how much a market mo...
kbrooks323 Hello would someone be willing to release a scan code for this? that would be helpful as I s...
Nicolas You can do easily this screener by using the assisted creation tool. It would take you about...
kbrooks323 I just figured it out thanks!
Screw27 Hi man, I installed the indicator and i don't know why but my graph it is so big
HelixKing sounds interesting I'll take a look
Godo Bonjour Souhait Sam, Après de nombreux essais pour le mettre en format afin d'utiliser ce c...
Nicolas Il faut supprimer celles qui existent dans la fenêtre d'optimisation et les créer en dur dan...
crusoe76 hi there, anyone can help making this strategy work, i have a message saying replace variabl...
5 years ago
denmar Neat. Thanks.
Zigo Line 39 TS has to be KS Line 41 TS has to be KS
Nicolas Ask on an Excel website?!
imokdesign @nicolas ,if in want to "call" this indicator, which values i have to write down?
Screw27 Salut nicolas j'aimerais savoir tes résulats grace a cettte methode
eva.g.forsgren It dose not work, I get a strap instead of candels???????????????????????????????????????????
Nicolas That indicator is the one below the chart. The indicator to put on the price chart is this o...
pyhrus P.S : IG , que j'ai contacté ,m'indique que la version V11 , ne sera pas disponible avant un...
Hasardeur Dear Nicolas, is there someting at the arry to modify in order to run the trend at the actu...
MALIMALO Dear Nicolas, just try touse your indicator with backtest but it's not working. is anybody...
Vonasi There are actually two ways to calculate standard deviations and I seem to have used the ver...
