Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
5 years ago
Marie-Eve Vergoz Déjà demandé par ailleurs concernant le code de la VWMA : erreur signalée car il est demandé...
Vonasi There are actually two ways to calculate standard deviations and I seem to have used the ver...
segie Can something similar be done with Supertrends?
Vonasi Not sure I fully understand what you are asking for. Are you asking for MTF Supertrend level...
Kris75 very interesting; thanks !
Vonasi Sorry - I'm not coding anything at the moment.
IG_CFD_Trader Hi Vonassi, Your coding skills in PRT are amazing. Keep up the great contributions. I have...
jmf125 Any reason why this indicator would have stopped working. Tried to run it on v11 and v12 but...
robertogozzi Yes, you can use any setting that suits you best! As to which one... it depends on the inst...
DaxRider grazie Robnerto
Nicolas Check your custom trading hours and use the default market ones.
fj_pastor Hello Nicolas, Thanks again for all your support. Finally I debugged the problem. The sim...
kallistos Hi Nicolas, Thank you very much indeed for this indicator (and all the others you are provi...
ribes65 Bonjour Nicolas, Merci pour votre travail. Est-il envisageable de créer un screener pour ...
Nicolas Bien sûr, merci de formuler une demande dans le forum des screeners pour prorealtime. En res...
ipbvba Est il possible de le transformer en indicateur (pour ne plus avoir les lignes mais uniqueme...
Rory Dryden Thank you. Experimenting with it now.
Wolf Hi Vonasi. Thank for this indicator. I like this calculate concept. I think that line 16 thi...
Vonasi Well spotted! It is just a safety check to ensure that no value below 1 can be used otherwis...
Vinks_o_7 Vonasi you're a beast !!! ;-)))
pableitor Amazing indicator , you are pushing PRT to the limit! But looking at the scatter its not c...
supertiti Bonjour Nicolas, Je ne comprend pas bien , le trend change de couleur quand les prix sont a...
Nicolas Oui ce serait possible, cependant l'indicateur est bien prévu pour conserver la couleur de l...
supertiti Quand tu pourras si tu peux nous coder la troisième couleur cela améliorerait les trades cou...
Nicolas How to import file page: in the help section of the website explains howto
kenssa import through the indicator page/window in the Proreal time
chicoteca Buenas, no consigo que se me muestre en el chart de DAX. ¿Cómo procedo? Gracias.-
Vonasi Thanks for the compliments. No this is not easily possible in v10.3 because it uses arrays w...
bruces Hi and thank you. I successfully imported original version above and added to my Prorealtim...
Musiar Hi Vonasi, The indicator is working like a charm on PRT v12; trying to adapt it for a strat...
JohnScher I've been looking for this for a long time! A very big thank you to you.
Nupsator hi, looks very interesting, i imported the indicator and inserted it into a 1h chart. Unfort...
Ciccarelli Franco Lo trovo interessante, ma non riesco a scaricarlo. Chi mi può aiutare?
Bard Excellent job Vonasi, thanks very much for updating and improving your previous indicator.
Gianluca sorry but doesnt work like you posted
Vonasi You would need to let me know the exact instrument and time frame that you are trying to app...
ipbvba idem ne fonctionne pas sur V11 (meme avec real time data), import OK mais aucune courbe dans...
Ciccarelli Franco I'm new to the Market, I imported the code, but I don't see anything, there is an empty box ...
tradermikey Is the available for v12?
Nicolas remplacer les valeurs de coloured(0,255,0) par coloured(r,g,b) et ajouter ces noms de variab...
mohamed merci Nicolas!
sacram14 Merci Nicolas pour ce set-up que je ne connaissais pas ! J'ai tenté de reprendre le code pou...
Vinks_o_7 Thanks Doc !
Maxime Baudin Intresting, thank you!
