Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Ciccarelli Franco Per lasciare che la strategia venga eseguita (dopo aver importato il file): Basta eliminare...
JADINVEST Hello Jan, hello everyone, Thanks Jan for this strategy! Since 2020, have any of you found a...
Alessandro Furlani Hi Ian, hope you still use PRT and so you can read this post. I have tested a lot your work ...
Nicolas Pour créer des alertes, vous pouvez suivre ce petit tutoriel : https://www.prorealtime.com/f...
thibault76 Bonjour Nicolas, cette stratégie est intéressante. Par contre, en 2022, le code ne fonction...
Nicolas Aucun message d'erreur pour ma part en version 11.1. Tu es certain de créer un code d'indica...
1Randy I would be interested an invite to your blog. I am still learning about the VSA and it looks...
repropel Buenos días TACBOLSA. Yo también estoy interesado en visitar tu blog. Podrías enviarme una i...
mobychix Hi, I just joined Pro Realtime and am very interested in VSA. I have read some books and did...
Stockastiss Can this code be simply transferred into Backtestingcode so one doesnt need to use call ? (i...
Vonasi Sorry for the late reply. Add the code to your strategy and remove line 5 and line 39. Chang...
viktorthunss Hi! How many averages are there? Can I see the somewhere?
carpentier Joffrey Bonjour à tous, Avant tout merci pour ce travail, cependant je suis bloqué quand je l'insta...
carpentier Joffrey Re, C'est ok, j'ai trouvé mon erreur... Cependant sur quel base peut on calculer son CALC...
Aragorna Hi Nicolas, How is it possible to use it in a higher timeframe plotted on a lower timeframe?...
joguemon Buenas, he instalado el screener pero no me aparecen los números que indicas...tengo que mon...
enriquem Hola, No, los numeros no aparecen, Proscreener no permite rotular, Lo que devuelve el sc...
PeytoLake Hi Enriquem, How do I change the timeframe from 'Daily' to "5 min"? Thank you.
Zigo Normaly it do work in version 11.
bertrandpinoy Hello to all, please does a coder can bring the indication of the price level on the chart o...
Zigo @bertrandpinoy add between line 50 and 51 : drawtext("#dnh#",barindex,low-2.618*AverageTrue...
FXmike hey my friends, thank you for this great code. my problem is he make no trade open. backtest...
FXmike Can i put a Action that my start contract is smaller than 1 ? 0.3 or 0.5 ? In wich Position...
phoentzs I wrote the code for M15 back then and also variants in H1 and M1. Everything works so far....
leofi https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/simple-average-with-visual-color/
leofi Go visit www.prorealcode.com/topic/simple-average-with-visual-color/ and watch 2em post
Dritan Hi,I am new on Prorealtime and coding.I downloaded the indi but I have it on a separate wind...
5 years ago
stephane2.0 c=exponentialaverage[9](MACDLine[12,26,9](close))
Forexcheckup Hi I down loaded the ITF file, it paints red for a down trend but for all up trends the can...
stephane2.0 line 22: r = 195 by r = 0 line 23: g = 195 by g = 0 line 24: b = 195 by b = 255 ;)
5 years ago
fifi743 Good morning, there is no mistake about the shorts c11=SMI[14,3,5](close)>-40
Zigo has to be c11=SMI[14,3,5] < -40 (indeed)
xar3 Thank you ;-) Zigo
Suzu Yuk Regarding line68, //-- with indicator "properties", add coloured fill between euroOFF and...
manual_ice As far as I know, it is not possible to include "fill" inside an indicator. But, since ve...
cristofer Same here, as the long version, adding SMA200: sma200 = Average[200](Close) > Close ...
cristofer mate, I just realised that the formula for TenakanSen is wrong, it should be: TS=(highe...
cristofer Very nice! thanks for sharing this. I added (as a personal preference) that the Close mus...
cristofer same here with the TS formula: TS=(highest[9](high) + highest[9](low))/2 source: h...
Morrissey38 Muchísimas gracias Nicolás , muy amable.
Bruno Carnazzi extrèmement pertinent
Bruno Carnazzi Is that beatable ?
Balmora74 thanks for this code Philippo ! So if i understand well a Positive (+) EntryOK x ROC means a...
Dritan Hi Philippo,thanks for sharing this code.Can You add please Volume more than 250.00?Thanks
Maxime Baudin Very useful! Thanks Mat, and Happy New Year
nicko Great work. Thank you. However I am having trouble getting it to print in the first bar. If ...
5 years ago
Rex Oscillator
Rex Oscillator
Rollerbob thank you Nicolas !
Guibourse Thanks ! Would it be possible to translate it into a screener ?
