Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Meta Signals Pro Pleasure ! Please let us know if you make good trades with it and if you see improvements we...
francis59 Bonjour, Bonjour, comment puis-je créer un screener basé sur cet indicateur, qui affiche le...
Trader Sab I am curious to try it how, however I get an error message for line 47 and 48 - drawsegment,...
rama what is oohline
Vonasi From the indicator description above: 'The space between sessions can be either blank or hav...
amitoverseas40 Hi Vonasi, would you be kind enough to provide an indicator to only displays the wicks i.e. ...
denmar Awesome. Thank you.
Sapo Thank you for your indicators. As always it's perfect, I thank you for your help it's preci...
Om Hello, thanks for sharing! Getting a message that Variable P is undefined?
matin Intraday Average Volume Indicator Not working, what can i do plz
Sapo Thank you very much. as always your indicators are extremely effective. kind regards Vonasi.
mitsu21 Hi, it looks nice. I'll try it tomorrow thank you for your share kind regards bruno
kj1988 Thank you Vonasi for sharing this indicator. Very useful as a comfirmation to the price act...
Franro Hi, this looks very good is this something you worked towards a strategy?
hua hin Bonjour comment mettre ce programme sur un graphique le lien est en JPG et sur crewation i...
Dron Hola! El archivo itf donde esta?
Nicolas Just add it on the price series.
yomisadiku Hello Nicolas, Can I use high and low price at lines hh=max(hh,close) and ll=min(ll,close) ...
Nicolas Yes you can do that, the impact will be that the trailing stop line will be much close to th...
Byggtrader Hi Nicolas! How do I get the indicator in the price chart? It only stays under i new chart.
Nicolas Just add it on the price chart by using the wrench on the left upper side of the chart (pric...
rosario Merci pour la réponse, je l'utilise comme indicateur, mais les colonnes lorsque le prix est ...
Nicolas C'est curieux, merci d'ouvrir un sujet sur le forum et de produire des copies d'écran.
Morris59 Hallo Nicholas, tks very much for your work, I'm a rookie in the world of indicators and o...
Dom Hello, hello....je commence le trading et découvre par la même occasion le codage....et ce n...
Nicolas Merci, ça fait plaisir !
Be-n Bonjour tout le monde ! Dans l'indicateur de tendance, j'ai du mal à saisir la nuance entre ...
Vonasi Sure that is possible. I will code it and make a post in the English ProBuilder forum and pu...
Vonasi Vama v2 with Hull moving average included can be found here: https://www.prorealcode.com/top...
JMat45 Thank you, Vonasi.
HeikinAshi https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/ssl-channel/
jobswaps oyes aste uno de soportes y recistencias
jobswaps eso lo necesitamos
Globalmarkets79 Thank you Vonasi for the answer. I have an other question. When i tried to run the indicator...
Vonasi Lines is either 0 or 1 to turn on or off the drawing of them. Once again if you download and...
Globalmarkets79 Thank you Vonasi, this indicator is very helpful!!!
5 years ago
Bateson Merci pour la réponse Nicolas. C'est bien ce que j'ai fait mais ça ne fonctionne toujours pa...
Enzo Paliotti Veramente ottimo, era quello che cercavo, si potrebbe modificare inserendo come variazione a...
Nicolas Perché no, chiedetelo con una descrizione dettagliata nel forum degli indicatori, per favore!
eivaremir have u got the trading view version?
5 years ago
rama what is the buy condition or sell condition for this can you suggest a code k1=1 buy and k1...
rama I would like to know at point 1 an alert or binary indicator so that I can place order
maxlys Bonjour Nicolas, merci pour ce code qui a l'air intéressant. Comment ajouter dans le code l'...
Bard Very interesting approach Vonasi! I'm getting a 404 error when trying to download though?
Vonasi I just tested and I was able to download with no error.
Psari Hi Vonasi, I am a newbie and was wondering whether you could possibly help me with this pro...
Vinks_o_7 Thanks again Vonasi !
Bard Thank you, this is a great tool @Vonasi, especially for those that used to like shorting Ind...
Aragorna Hi Vonasi, is there a reason why it does not work anymore in new version ePRT Platform? tha...
