Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
carlvan That's a great indicator and I especially the use of colors, more or less pronounced to indi...
ALE Hello do you want to explain to me in more detail what you have to do? Please replay here:...
quibe56 Bonjour, à priori les couleurs pour le Katana ne fonctionnent pas ( départ haussier ou élan...
swapping Bonjour quibe56, n'ayant pas rencontré ce défaut je continu néanmoins à structurer le code p...
Vonasi Yes that was the issue. I have posted an updated ITF file here: https://www.prorealcode.com/...
crolakstrading @vonasi Thank you for fixing the issue! This is a great indicator.
gregoire good evening vonasi , I had made the request to create this indicator a few years ago and I ...
XXXXVII Great job! Indeed it leaves to think ..
Jigsaw20000 Bonjour, vous auriez un conseil pour régler l'affichage de l'indicateur ? les textes s'affic...
Giogio hello dear Vonasi, thank you for your indicator, can I ask you for some help in order to let...
Pottar24 HI Vonasi I would like to know how can this algorithm give me the value of the last max e mi...
parthapersonal Hello Vonasi, Great work. Is it possible to replicate this to get values of "Price Line" (1...
tobytarczy Hi Vonasi, Sounds lovely, I race yachts around europe myself. Most regattas cancelled unfor...
mlouys Hello Vonasi thank for your work ! A question how can we do it for minutes ( or 15 min or x ...
Vonasi I think that would be possible but probably in a whole new indicator as detecting when a new...
SL Hi, Fer666 Thank you for sharing. If I want to show daily ST on a 10_min intraday chart...
SL correction above... system had remove"not equal" signs Line 19 : change to if WeekNo "Not...
SL OK... I had figured out... need more than that. Thank you anyway.
thierrybl Thanks a lot
B-ling1 Hi Vonasi, I love this indicator - good job! Just one question: If I want the monthly OHLC L...
ezman Copy and paste this code, don't work. error!
6 years ago
dario ti please can you help me to understand? i know i am wrong: Long Histogram = High Volume S...
TAC Bolsa hi, I have already seen the problem and requested that it be removed until an adequate so...
sixeight Hey TAC, Did you ever find a solution to this?
Vinks_o_7 b=close > low and volume > high How can we compare volume and high of the day? (orang...
TAC Bolsa If to understand something you resort to compare Oranges and bananas. You go bad, Without e...
giumagi good morning Sir, great job your indicators! How can I reach your website or blog? please..t...
JJ Tec Hola Las condiciones de entrada / salida vienen en el libro de J. Carter Mastering the trad...
Pixeldd Ich bekomme beim einfügen des Indikators einen Fehler angezeigt. Was bitte muss ich genau än...
HarryPro Hello, Firtly there appears to be a typo on line 6 "lenghkc=20" should this be "lengthkc=...
Nicolas En effet merci, erreur corrigée, la variable Risk affecte désormais comme il se doit les cal...
nader003 How can we get this indicator on MT4
Nicolas You can ask for private custom coding to our programming services: https://www.prorealcode.c...
RobertFX Works fine
Kees Pols great tool! Thank you
tush1822 appreciate your post mate!! it helped me.
Gianluca THANK YOU!!!!!
JOSEBA que relaccion tiene la numeración de las barras del 1 al 10 que tiene cada número Tengo dos...
marcov66 Hi, it seems a very useful indicator. Unfortunately the link here for the full explanation d...
TACBOLSA Discontinued indicator. we are sorry.
Azzuerus Bonjour, je teste et j'utilise vos indicateurs depuis plusieurs années, et ils me sont dev...
coscar Ottimo lavoro. come sempre!
luxrun Nello studio di Sepiashvili viene descritto anche un altro indicatore, il Q-indicator, che è...
6 years ago
sophia_etoille83 Merci beaucoup Nicolas, En effet l'ajout du close affiche le même graph, je parlais d'af...
Nicolas Non tu ne parlais pas de cela ?! Il fallait afficher l'indicateur sous le graphe principal e...
sophia_etoille83 Ok Nicolas je vais le poster. Je me suis mal exprimée alors. Je refais un post. Merci Bel...
6 years ago
Balmora74 Thanks for this code. i will try to adapt it in the EUR/USD Pac Man Strategy who is based on...
Vonasi I still have two versions of the PacMan strategy on forward test although there have been va...
Balmora74 I use your version on a real account and the strategy is profitable and i did not have any p...
