Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Pablo Carmona del Moral hola juanjo, muchas gracias por este screener que nos has compartido. creo que lo voy a util...
Pablo Carmona del Moral para el volumen he cambiado: // Volumen significativo VS=volume>2*(average[10](volume[1...
Juanjo Muchas Gracias Pablo, ...Tengo varios screener, uno lo tengo adaptado para operar intradía, ...
mcha merci bien et félicitations pour la réactivité avec laquelle il a été mis dans la bibliothèq...
soulintact Great indicator Nicolas, thanks!
6 years ago
juanj I have actually completely redesigned this indicator with loads of improvements, so will res...
Didouqc Bonjour Nicolas, Merci pour cet indicateur, encore génial! Je souhaite faire une suggest...
cdc.andersson Hello, when trying to include this wonderful Dynamic RSI on my trading system i get the erro...
Rafyone Bonjour Nicolas et bonne année lol J'ai une erreur qui apparait concernant drawbarchart une...
Nicolas Je pense que tu n'utilises pas le bon éditeur de code, cette instruction est compatible uniq...
Exalaxe Hey, i just noticed you optimized this strategy. Could i see your new version, please?
Andrea.1981 sorry i add my code but it not enter why i dont know
Andrea.1981 this is code simply stop , and you can see another version for stop / Codice principale...
AntoGH how did you backtest it ?
PastaPesto @AntoGH , I dont know if you are asking me, but my backtest was made in an IS of 4 years bet...
Ridder @PastaPesto Do you still running this and how is the results? Thanks
Kris75 Hi, This is great !! anyone ever developped a strategy about it ???
swapping hello Kris75, not that I know but it is possible to make a scenario ;)
digitation Hi swapping, Thanks for sharing this useful tool. I was wondering how difficult it would be...
Real Pro Great work gabri. I have this coded on Amibroker and I have done lots of backtesting but ne...
gabri Hi Real Pro, this indicator assists novices of the Wyckoff system. Wyckoff himself thought t...
tatie hi Gabri, I just came across the wyckoff method and was looking for the weiss wave indica...
Vonasi There is another version of this indicator that can plot the same lines but onto an indicato...
Martin35 Hello Vonasi, do you think it is possible with PRT to code with the same principle as on thi...
Vonasi A modified version of this indicator can be found here: https://www.prorealcode.com/topi...
abhay I am getting a shading between the lines, how can I avoid that. I just want to see lines as ...
Vonasi Delete the 'Color Zone' in the indicator settings window.
unkown ;-) sfido chiunque a riuscirci!
unkown infatti basta leggere i post degli altri....
nicola papangelo ciao Francesco vorrei contattarti su facebook o in privato. Grazie
Francesco78 @nicola onestamente non ricordo se lo avessi scelto anchored or ananchored.
debs83 Is this strategy standing for DAX please?
Nicolas Title says that it is for Hang Seng
dau710 Are the Bulls Blue & the Bears Red?
dau710 Many thanks :)
juanj @Holy Grail, glad you like it. Would you perhaps mind sharing your results here: https://www...
CaptainCaveman I am reluctant to say this buy I was a member of Dr Elder trading group for a while . The fa...
micquan The design is too complex and the performance is low.
Janfi Hello, I'm new to ProRealCode and I do not understand the following summation[n](indicator...
Kaci It seems he's just checking that the previous MACD is < 0 for maximum one period ? I'...
Daniel Martin Hi do you know how have and entry after the second cross? There is crosses below 0 and cross...
