Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
MaoRai54 dear Ivan, it seems to be very interesting but please clarify what are all the lines I see i...
Iván Hi! you have the answer in the last line of code... MacdMiddle as "histo" style(histogra...
kats Le Top , a utiliser avec le nuage violet et alerte TN pour plus de précision.
roccafragius Hello Ivan, another great Indicator, very useful to trace the trend ( blue line) and the pos...
Iván Hi! yes. You can ask for it here: https://www.prorealcode.com/free-code-conversion/
roccafragius Thank you so much Ivan! I created this request in english Translate from TradingView Indicat...
ipbvba Hello, Is it possible to have a screener for the various buy and sell signals?
Regisnew très bel indicateur merci
jordan //---settings MAmode=0 Period=150 NumberOfMA=100 //---end of settings MA2=undefined ...
jordan dites moi si cela correspond à ce que vous cherchez
kats bonjour merci de ta reponse mais non ca fonctionne pas sympa quand même d'avoir essayé cdlt
7 months ago
Scans for Freebars
Scans for Freebars
Jean2139 Bonjour Yvan, Merci pour ton indicateur que je trouve très intéressant. Je suppose que tu ...
Suffi Hier eine kleine Korrektur: //-----Inputs-----------------------------------------// MALengt...
NicoGB67 Hola Iván, intento crear un proscreener automático con este indicador al igual que se puede ...
Iván Hola. Sí se puede, tendrás que hacerlo programando. Así, eliminando toda la parte de código ...
Cyril18 Thank you Ivan, great job Would it be possible to add in the sript the possibility of conne...
8 months ago
Iván Hola javier gracias! es importante realizar buenos backtest antes de lanzarse al mercado y ...
achel I have an error with "fillcolor" - How to solve this? / J'ai une erreur avec "fillcolor" - C...
Iván Hi! This is because you are not with V12. Just delete fillcolor
Patriot1972 Ciao Ivan, avevo bisogno di chiarimenti sul funzionamento del tuo indicatore: cosa segnala q...
Fgats Ivan can you please explain a line of code that is puzzling me. This is line 37 . As I unde...
teshmi9z Hola, ¿es posible detectar cuándo el precio regresa a la zona del 61 al 88 % de Fibonacci y,...
elcortijoverde Gracias Iván,...sigo tus videos en Youtube. Ya estoy con la V12 y se descarga, pero algo est...
elcortijoverde Bueno, ya aparecen las velas, pero ahora, cada fin de vela aparece un nuevo pronóstico y no ...
Roger Gracias por compartir, pero no tengo ninguna predicción. @Ivan @elcortijoverde ¿qué modifica...
luxrun grazie Ivàn!
lee Thank you. Is it possible to convert this to a screener that displays instruments when bulli...
Iván //---------------------------------------------------------------// //PRC_Pollan Indicator /...
YvesRobert Hello David, can you explain to me this strategy ? You calculate the difference between t...
davidelaferla The strategy calculates the variation between the body and the previous body (however in pro...
KumoNoJuzza Thanks David it looks great. I am playing with it to get familiar. Do you think it would b...
BaderBader Good day davidelaferla, Thank you for making your strategy available to the community, I do...
Faisalx ChatGPT Hola Iván. Gracias por tu excelente trabajo. Te agradecería si pudieras echarle un...
Iván ok, perfecto! me pongo con ello
