Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Bard Hi @Ale, I was wondering if you knew why, when I went to put the Kase Peak Oscillator into i...
ALE Hello Bard, because they are two different indicators
Bard Right, thanks Ale, I have taken your code and made a coloured Peak Osc (thanks again) but ...
Nicolas Thanks again for all your valuable posts... and well formatted code! :)
Abdelkrim Maksour hi sir is this indicator for mt4 and how i can get one .
ckat55 Thank you Nicolas, is there any way that an alert can be set for when the dot appears?
Nicolas yes, change the last line with: RETURN wrb,qh and set an alarm with the alert tool for ea...
ckat55 Thank you Nicolas, I will try it.
mmoren44 no esta el color azul (Fade //Blue), No aparece en las barras el color azul.
larouedegann changer fade coloured (0,0,255)
Nicolas Apply it on the price chart. The indicator plot just one single line. There are two in the...
jamesoc Hi Nicolas, do you happen to know if there is an indicator that can be applied to charts, to...
gustavobp Buenos dias Nicolas, al agregar tu indicador no me reconoce la variable Price ni en la linea...
Nicolas Thanks a lot for this new valuable addition to our library. I changed line 76 with "barindex...
Horance Thanks. I've noticed this leftover after submission, but it was too late for editing. BTW, I...
Etienne Thanks Horance for porting this code to PRT. I would like to bring some speedup to your cod...
7 years ago
Maxime Baudin Interesting, Thank you! :)
franck-david Bonjour Nicolas , actuellement je me forme grace a vos videos tres tres bien expliques mer...
Nicolas Merci. ça n'est pas le lieu pour poser ce genre de question :) Merci d'utiliser le forum Pro...
Horance This is a good question. John Ehlers explains it in Rocket Science for Traders. You have to ...
cbeukes Much appreciated, I will give that a try. Also, is there any criteria that one could use to ...
Anonymous Thanks for the code! I'm trying to understand how it works, and have a few questions... line...
Bhanu Pratap Dear Sir, Can I get MQL4 File for this indicator and last man standing . pls looking forward...
ISTJ_T Hi Nicolas Thanks a lot for the indicator. Trading off the TradingView and have issues wit...
Nicolas Just use ProRealTime and its powerful screener for stocks.
Nicolas S11 variable is not a loop but a ratio calculation. In real time the codes is processed on e...
Stephan_V Nicolas, This regression delivers damn good results, especially for trends ! I'm wonde...
Nicolas Least square method is used here in order to get the perfect y = ax2 + bx + c
Bebbo Grazie del prezioso contributo Nicolas, scusa la mia inesperienza, sono alle prime armi e s...
Nicolas To avoid recalculation, you should use the one from this post.
Bebbo Ok Grazie Nicolas.
