Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Gordon101 Hi when I added your Guppy indicator to my chart it went below the chart beside the oscilla...
Nicolas Add it on the price by using the wrench located on the left upper side of your price chart.
Gordon101 Thanks Nicolas, worked a treat.
odin hi luisella, i think breadth indicators a not available in pro realtime, because you the cal...
4example Thank you
Gaby333 to good to be true dosent do anything))
Anonymous Hi Odin, Thanks for this screener based on the popular criteria to trade trends from Marc...
Petersson Kristian Hi when I do back test I get 0 results, what do I do wrong? Trade Well Chris
JohnScher Yes i did before, see library/strategys/repulse and dpo https://www.prorealcode.com/proreal...
JohnScher Don't know what you're doing wrong. Import ITF and observe time zone settings. This should...
Arnaud HALVICK Hello! Very nice screener. Thank you! I am using it to scan stocks (weekly). It is very good.
odin you welcome. i would be glad when the screener is nice for you
HeikinAshi what do you think about using the screener in smaller time units (H1, M30) on indexes? And w...
Geronima Ortiz I watched the video three times, but I can not put the npips parameter as a variable. I do...
Geronima Ortiz I think the video is for an old version of prorealtime, the images do not correspond at all ...
Nicolas indicator1 = CALL “PRC_StopReversal”[npips, 1] and define npips in the optimization window ...
Simba Greetings from germany! :) Can you told me your EXIT-strategy for this, please? :) Would ...
Spawn Voici une version améliorée qui tient compte de plus de critères, notamment l'intégration de...
Despair What do you mean by “German extra stocks”?
odin i mean german xetra stocks :-)
Despair Ok! Thanks.
Mully Bonjour, est ce que quelqu'un sait comment ajouter les niveaux de résistances / supports su...
Nicolas Il s'agit de l'indicateur "volume par niveau de prix" disponible par défaut dans la plateforme.
osupero https://www.screencast.com/t/2fCW8fkGsOeZ....solo posiciones largas por ahora
osupero https://www.screencast.com/t/MIaSZ2PRg
ALZ Hi JohnSher, Nice but not the same result Do you have the last itf of it ? Good result i...
Etienne Hi, thanks for proving this code. I would like to contribute by adding a computation speed...
Etienne //Compute Super Smoother coefficients once if barindex = 1 then a1 = exp( -1.414 * 3.14159...
Nicolas Thanks a lot!
Rafa And the PriceMAPeriod? aren´t the same?
Nicolas The PriceMAPeriod is the period to make the average of all the last X medianprice found.
Rafa Thanks a lot Nicolás. Have a nice day
Nicolas Screeners dont plot anything on charts.
jobswaps Hola puedes agragar marcos temporales como minimo y maximo en temporalidad del triangulo par...
p3sc4d0r c3 = Average[40](close*volume) > 3000000 Hi to everyone. I need some help with this co...
7 years ago
Kairi Relative Index
Kairi Relative Index
shawnybaby Hi great screener. I am quite new, is it possible to have this screener so it specifies the ...
philou22 Hi, how to make this screener as an indicator ? thanks
andyj Hi , I have an error on line 13 when I run this: line 13 value = (Highest[20](high)+Lowest[...
GraHal Wow! Thank you Vonasi, great idea!
Vonasi No Problem GraHal. Please share anything interesting that you find using it.
Vonasi I've made a small improvement by adding a Buy and Hold line for comparison. This line can be...
dertopen HI Wwhy you said avoiding bear market? Don't you think that we can use this code for short...
maurizio dove si trova lo screener?
macdopa Thanks...
