Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
anametsinwha Is it possible to change it to highs and lows rather than open and close?
Caribeengeek Bonjour j’avais vu que vous proposiez d’écrire des codes pour ceux qui s’y connaisse pas Mai...
Caribeengeek Les devises unité
Nicolas Merci d'utiliser le forum pour les demandes de programmation personnalisée
7 years ago
Vonasi Thanks for your thanks Real Pro and yes everyone should import the itf file to make sure tha...
Pepsmile Good job, which could be applied for a spectrum of another indicators.
Pepsmile As to better understand which parameters are better for an indicators in a specific period (...
Bard I was talking to a Machine Learning coder today who's algos have apparently managed to get 7...
Eric If you have a high percentage winners and the trades are closed with take profit the spread ...
Casenova I Agree with you JaunJ, and Yes Eric, what you say makes sense too. Optimizing the Stop Loss...
ET Thanks for the system Casenova. In determining the high of the past 4 bars, is there a reaso...
s00071609 Is it possible to have fibo numbers like 1, 2, 3, 5,8 sequence by modifying the calculation?
Nicolas sorry i dont get it. you want to plot the next level at current price + ratio?
s00071609 I meant not plotting 4, 6 and 7. This question about having 1,3,5,8 sequence was meant to be...
Carlos Garcia If price tags the lower BBand, look for IIIX has positive values to enter a trade. Converse...
Nicolas Please add a request on forums for any MT4 code conversion, thank you. Follow these easy ste...
mecon I will do so, thank you!
Anonymous @mecon, did you ever get one?
ullle73 nicolas, can you somehome make this to be in the background of the price chart?
jonpt88 none did that yet right?
Nicolas You can ask for a code modification on forums, please open a new topic with your request.
Thally Thanks for the quick response Nicholas. Would you have any idea how to resolve. Manually ref...
Thally Do you think adjusting the below code might help? newperiod = minuteminute[1] if newperi...
Nicolas There is no "second" instruction.
Toto le Heros Thanks Nicolas. I read somewhere that in the calculation, we should round the value of the A...
Nicolas aADX = round(adx[10])
Milochenta Hello, I downloaded your strategy and I can not get it to have signals. I work with the fre...
gabri Hi, I am not sure the reason you have this problem. I am not familiar with the free version ...
pixx ciao gabri scusa una domanda mi ptresti spiegare il codice perfavore??
7 years ago
Rainbow Oscillator
Rainbow Oscillator
Maxime Baudin Interesting, thanks! Combine this indicator with the bollinger bands there is enough to make...
apachx Hi. Please, describe the algorithm in words. I want to understand how it works, but for now...
ak5hay2 Works like crazy on bitcoin. Use different timeframes. Thanks a lot Doc!!!
richyowen Hi, great code thanks. Very new to this forum. Is there a way to add a 100point target on an...
lisamitch50 Morning all, Just backtested on quite a few instruments, worked well on backtesting, but tel...
7 years ago
Alai-n Thanks...
FULVIO09 Attualmente non c'è sufficiente volatilità : la condizione "C0 = AverageTrueRange[1500](Clos...
vlongobardo67 Ma io intendevo in backtest ! Scusa non l’ho menzionato.
ciniselloftse salve fulvio .il trading sistem e sempre profittevole?
7 years ago
CCI Correction.IND
CCI Correction.IND
Agima Bonjour Une petite question d'un débutant : Comment faire pour afficher les variables à gau...
