Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
jebus89 Big thanks for sharing this :) Seems to work as expected, good stuff.
xpe74 Top visually, and very efficient. I would like to integrate it as a value in a small algo i...
Vonasi An interesting idea that was easily turned into a strategy on a shorter time frame that appe...
Stenozar Hi Vonasi, is it possible for you to share your code here? thanks in advance
Vonasi Sorry Stenozar. I have only really spent an hour or so on this strategy so far and it is far...
styrke Hello Nicolas, Nice screener, I appreciate the way you always try to condense at maximum th...
Nicolas There's no particular reason. RSI is widely use with its default period and results seems re...
Nicolas Sorry again, doing my best to fix this problem..
Gianluca Sorry but the 2° code that you posted have some problem it doesn't work
Leo I have to check
Alai-n I also have the same problem that I can not solve especially on LowVolume (Yellow) ... Sorry
Mert No need to apologise, my friend. It is great code. I hope you find a solution soon. Regards.
gabri I think it's because the lookback period changes at every new bar and that means that many c...
Vonasi Thanks for the compliments ALE. If you use any results from it in a strategy then please sha...
CKW this is Awesome tool. thanks Vonasi
Vonasi ....and thank you for the compliment CKW.
Reiner great work:-)
Vonasi Thanks Reiner. that is compliments indeed from the seasonality expert. I have a second vers...
Sagal Hi Vonasi, Can it be presented as a 1 year graph displaying a 5 year average or 10 year aver...
Vonasi I noticed a couple of typo errors in the code. The list of variables lines 4 to 11 should be...
Genotik Thank you for your important contribution this week which is much appreciated! Happy New Yea...
Vonasi No problem. I hope they are useful to someone. Happy and hopefully prosperous New Year to y...
DarioMazza Hi Vonasi, i have a question for you, the comand "pricetype" where did you found it in the ...
Vonasi PriceType is just a variable that I use. The value decides what type of price is used in the...
Vonasi I noticed a couple of typo errors in the code. The list of variables lines 4 to 11 should be...
Vonasi The indicator code can easily be adapted for use as a filter in strategies as well. For exam...
AVT Tested today in manual DAX trading (transcripted to MT and changed look into aka oszillator)...
Vonasi I think that short time frame charts will be too noisy for this indicator. One blue bar real...
Vonasi I forgot to mention in the description that Sunday pivot lines are ignored and Monday's pivo...
AVT Like that, simple and clear!
Vonasi Thanks AVT. I like simple - some people would say that I do simple very well! Sometimes you ...
Yannick TradingDayLong = dayofweek = 1 or dayofweek = 2 or dayofweek = 3 or dayofweek = 4 or dayof...
Marlon Hey JohnScher, your code works fine, but my results aren't as good as yours. Even if I use ...
DarioMazza Bha... this code dont work. gg
LancerX This catch my attention, tried to load in pro order but not coming through. What variables n...
macdopa Hello ALE. Is there any way to help us develop or program an algo-strategy for automatic tr...
Giuseppe68 Ciao, sono nuovo e poco esperto, volevo chiedere perchè il ProBacktest lo esegue correttamen...
7 years ago
Nicolas Oui. Pour changer la période, il faudra ajuster la variable MMperiod
macbartin plus la période est grande (en occurrence 20) plus l'indicateur est précis dans les changeme...
Hasardeur Hallo Nicolas, in John Ehlers book "cycle analytics for Traders" from 2013, Mr. Ehlers desc...
MaoRai54 Hi, first of all Happy New Year. Well, I've inserted your indicator in DAX 1h but I cann...
Vinks_o_7 Hi Mao Happy New Year ! This is just an improved RSI where you plot a standard price momen...
Angel Perez Ciao Francesco. First of all thanks for the indicator and also fro the screener. I do have a...
PSIDIO Ciao to you all, I also have a question and would be very happy for a helpful comment. I a...
SpreadBetMH Hi there, I have V11.1. I get the Indicator but no Arrows on the price. Kind Regards...
Alai-n Ciao Francesco, sei ancora in giro?
Metodi97 This indicator is great but can someone create strategy based on the same indicator it will ...
cervantes2 Buenas tardes y gracias por este magnifico indicador. Queria saber si tienes un proscreener ...
cervantes2 Que busque los valores que la linea verde acaba de cruzar al alza o a la baja
AngelPujalt Tenéis algún screener de este indicador?
Giuseppe68 ciao, ho provato l'indicatore e mi sembra interessante, ma in fase di backtest non riesco ad...
poldoposta veramente bello.....complimenti
