Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Nicolas Formule de l'indicateur Momentum: Le Momentum se calcule avec une simple soustraction pour ...
Roberto1 Hi, can this code be converted for the Nanotrader Platform or for the MT4 Platform?
Nicolas This website is dedicated for PRT programming, but you can still ask for private coding with...
7 years ago
TradeNavigator RSI
TradeNavigator RSI
Nicolas Tutte le impostazioni che hanno la parola "period" sono quelle dedicate ai periodi di cambio...
GianfrancoCeck Le chiedo una ultima cosa, ossia se è possibile personalizzare l'indicatore con una scritta ...
Nicolas Spiacente che non sia possibile, le coordinate grafiche non sono in pixel ma nel prezzo e ne...
7 years ago
graff.laetitia Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm new to trading, I managed to download the indicator but ...
Alby118 i can get it to work? dax 1 min. upload indicator on the4 chart. thank you
swapping merci gabri, on va le mettre à l'essai ;)
7 years ago
Trinity Impulse
Trinity Impulse
ribou ah d'accord merci beaucoup
domenico nlevel1 non modifica la curva al variare del suo valore
tiger_man_no1 Very nice ; what is the best period input date for DAILY CHART ?
7 years ago
Jérôme Dumortier Thank's a lot !!!
Gaby333 Thanks Mate
Usul83 Do not understand the specifications
dertopen @gabri hi Gabri i get the same error: define highlow and highhigh whic are the good numbe...
luigiR ciao gabri complimenti per il tuo lavoro, ti chiedo una cortesia cosa devo scrivere nel codi...
Alai-n Merci pour ce travail...
patmaba merci Alai-n. C'est ma première participation sur prorealcode, merci pour à toi pour ton co...
longtrade Can this be converted to a screener?
Yannick Hello There is a mistake in trailing stop code, I think that this should fix the problem s...
Paul About the trailing-stop the way it's coded. That works for backtesting only, just look at th...
Jonny sorry paul, but system says that is not possible to put many stop order combined...what have...
Bard Hi Violet, Thanks so much for making this screener. Bulkowski's work is thorough. I though...
s00071609 I am using this indicator but it keep crashing as i change the timeframe. For example, chang...
Nicolas in the mean time you can try this one: https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators/ho...
Gianluca Is it possible to have an indicator where those value are as instogram ? and separated? in o...
Gregg Hi all, is there anyone who is using this pattern? It's been 3 days I'm trying it and I'm ...
Violet Hi Gregg, TP and SL? There are no variables by those names. The signal appears/disapp...
Marcus Quartus Aurius Thanks great job !
Violet Abz, the arrows and circles are only the *first part* of a trade setup. If certain conditio...
gabri Violet, you did an excellent job. I attached here https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtim...
fab.ub HI GABRI, if the cirled arrow is the intermediate point in which You can define your entry a...
Matt B RolanBay, L'ellipse apparaît-elle à la bougie notifiée et reste ?
gianlucapegaso scusa Gagry ma il programm da copiare è quello con tutte le modifiche di cui ho letto nei va...
Valentinocorse bonjour a tous , superbe travail j'aimerai si possible une indication pour modifier l'indic...
7 years ago
TempusFugit Thanks Bin, nice code, I can use several ideas of the way you build it
DarioMazza Thanks Bin, great concentration, i understand the first idea, but may u indicate me the asse...
Bin Hi Mazza This robot is optimized for DAX30.
GraHal Is this the Discussion Topic you need @Gregg https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/scalping-i...
bertrandpinoy bonjour Nicolas y a t il une possibilité de signal sonore dès qu une vente ou un achat serai...
Nicolas Oui cela nécessitera une adaptation du code cependant, merci de formuler une demande sur le ...
Madrosat Bonjour Nicolas la formule du stop loss est elle vraiment valable ?? il n'y a pas au depart ...
Nicolas Il y a peut-être un erreur en effet, essayer avec: set stop ploss (averagetruerange[14] * ...
Madrosat ok merci Nicolas c'est avec /pipsize que ça fonctionne
