Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Nicolas Oui pourquoi pas? :)
claudiofred Bonjour Nicolas, merci encore pour ce super indicateur. se demander s'il est possible d'écr...
Nicolas Screener déjà présent sur le forum ici: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/indicador-lastmans...
GraHal Please forgive the daft question, but why is 3-bars-trailing-stop-williams-3.itf included a...
Kris75 Hi, Seems great but what would be the code for a stock ? Thanks, Chirs
oakenstream Paul, what is the best way in your opinion to know if I have over optimized?
bazilou pouvez expliquer donchian bias merci
Nicolas Your picture is too small, but for sure the problem is about the fact you are still using v1...
Rory Dryden Thanks. This looks useful.
Edelmiro Un millón... de gracias... me gustaría más, poder ofrecer euros; pero va a ser que no puedo,...
gabri Non sono un genio ma so fare qualcosa. Posso provare ad aiutarti ma se e' troppo complicato ...
swapping Oups nicolas ! je pense que tu a oublié de mettre les variables "setting" accessible en exte...
Nicolas Je viens de vérifier, elles y sont pourtant?
swapping Mea culpa, j'ai fait un bête (copier/coller) et forcément cela ne pouvait pas y être puisqu'...
rb-72 Thank you, area of twist by dilatacion of the price, missing part of the code that is not pu...
Thomas007 after reading your blog now I understand why there is only a part of your code here. I'm try...
Juanjo Hola¡¡ la estrategia se podria aplicar sobre acciones con marco temporal diario?? gracias.
Marcel If you are interested in my way of trading, please follow me on Twitter @MvvTrading
Genotik Excellent, merci !
diegofe_2000 Excelente indicador, felicitaciones, muy bueno
Van Salt Hi Bianca, the indicator shows you some interesting cluster-zones from long- and shortterm f...
Vinci1966 Questo indicatore è molto interessante. Mi sono permesso di apportare alcune modifiche nell'...
Vinci1966 // VAN SALT´s <> Version 20171105 // This Indicator draws the Shortterm and Longtern ...
Jessar Hello, could you tell me how to use this indicator? I think the simplest things can still be...
Nicolas Please open a new forum topic, and respect the posting rules. Add a precise description of w...
FXTT ok will do, apologies, as I said I am new here. many thanks
Noobywan Version v2 including requested additions: https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators...
7 years ago
Genotik Merci !
Vinks_o_7 I looked at your page: It's written: Method 2: Current High less the previous Close (absolu...
gabri You are right, I will change it, Thank you!!
WarningTrading Comment peut on la comparer ? comme ceci ? cela ne me donne plus le message d'erreur manque...
sally31120 Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à créer ce screener close > supertrend extended2[1] la réponse...
Nicolas voir ce sujet pour un screener basé sur Supertrend Extended: https://www.prorealcode.com/top...
crolakstrading Hi Nicolas.. I'm really big fan of this indicator! is there any possibility to make this ind...
Nicolas Yes, that's possible. Please open a new topic in the forum.
crolakstrading Just saw your reply thank you!! I will open up a new topic!!
tommygtb what does the criteria mean in the box on the screen is it the time frame the screener sear...
Saberi2023 Hello dear Can you please write it also in java script?
Diamant Bonjour Léo, est t'il possible d'avoir le code de l'indicateur ton Double haut et double fo...
gabri Agree. Many of those indicators are using very similar ideas. ADX is a very powerful and und...
Marcel But still it is a (lagging) derivation of price itself.
gabri All the indicators are lagging because they are all based on historical data.
Trading_En_El_Ibex35 Para calcular el punto pivote y los niveles de soporte y resistencia para operar durante la ...
supertiti Hola mis disculpas, creia que tu eres Jose Antonio Madrigal ! gracias por las explicaci...
Trading_En_El_Ibex35 espero que las explicaciones te hayan sido de ayuda saludos
TAC Bolsa This indicator give trading signals depending of the crosses of overbought and oversold area...
Juanjo Hola. El indicador es válido para acciones en periodo diario? Gracias
TAC Bolsa Hola Juanjo la información del indicador y otros la puede encontrar en el BLog. https://w...
rb-72 5 Minutes, 15 Minutes, The most effective 1 Hour below 0 or above 0 as a turn signal in the ...
Andraxx Interpretación de el indicador??? Gracias
TAC Bolsa Oscilador que hace una medición ponderara basado en la distancia entre precio y una media Mó...
