Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Steven Bahia Hi Nicolas - great indicator - is there a way to place a alert when the Oscillator crosses ...
Nicolas Alerts can't be programmed, you have to set them yourself with the Alert tool of the platfor...
Steven Bahia just to add to this would there be a way to establish a entry price from the Oscillator
juanj Hi Nicolas, this is very interesting. Do you mind maybe providing some more information on h...
fabioerliam Hi Nicolas...I don't know where to post my request.....sorry!!!! Can you tell me in a gener...
Nicolas Hi, please post your question in the ProOrder section of the forum.
leonz007 Hi Despair, dont know why after import and add your indicator, it does not go on to the pric...
Nicolas Apply it on the price chart with the wrench at the left upper side of the price chart.
Sydneyhom Hi Despair Thanks for writing the code and for generously making it available to the public...
Nicolas Your PRT version is inferior to 10.3? So the code in its default state is not compatible. A ...
Mbulelo Hi Nicolas Hope all is well your side, do you have a specific strategy for the MFT Swing ...
Nicolas No I don't, try to make it on your own, or ask in forums (follow the posting rules please).
jens_kittner Since 2018 this strategy leads to bankruptcy)))))))
Jan Wind You do not HAVE to run it
Brisvegas As an exersize in writing code its fine but as a tool to make money not so much . If you hap...
simoneb ciao Gabri, potresti il modo più efficace per selezionare il paniere di 20-30 titoli su cui ...
gabri Simoneb, puoi creare uno screener che cerchi i titoli con un modified sharpe index inferiore...
gabri Dimenticavo, i titoli che performano meglio sono quelli che crossano la linea dello zero (o ...
christophe11560 salut gabri, Je n'ai pas de commentaire sur "s*s", c'est ton choix personnel. Je me posais...
gabri Hi, the SQRT(254) it is used to annualize the value. In terms of the "s*s" I just used the s...
christophe11560 Merci pour ton retour
Khaled Thanks, but if I may ask what's EMA Period? The price which reverses the EMA[20] is not the ...
Francesco78 EMA is not a moving average, it is just the name we called the quantity defined above
Khaled My bad. Thank you so much!
bertrandpinoy BONJOUR PAUL impossible de tenter le trading automatique, PRT me dis que l instruction "GRAP...
Paul Bonjour, supprimez les lignes avec un "graph"
bertrandpinoy merci. vous l utiliser actuellment sur quel instrument vous? et quel timeframe? Merci
guillermus69 is this " a= log(close/close[1])" better than a = ((close/close[1]) -1) *100 . I ...
gildaslm Hi gabri, thanks very much for your work, it helps me a lot. Have you ever tried to make the...
gandolfi thanks for your screener. Do you have the code for original Sharp ratio in order to compare ...
Abz Thanks gabri
Mattzi In your opinion is less than 20 stocks a bad idea? Thank you.
gabri No, you can pick as many or as little as you want. The portfolio composition depends on many...
JanWd Hi Francesco, nice algorithme, works with me on other markets as well !
Francesco78 thank you Janwd. Do you mind sharing where it works? happy new year!
Aaron Bennett Nice analysis, with the proposed tweak I'm seeing great performance since 2008/QE on the CAC...
xel Hi! I found myself that the indicator posted here contain an error, I want to edit or fix i...
marinober Ciao. avrei necessità di usare questo indicatore in intraday . Dovrei poter dare un prezzo d...
juanj And the point of violation is the close of the candle that violates the line by generating a...
juanj For the latest version of the strategy or to follow updates and developments see the thread ...
phanz i backtested it with 10K units of EURUSD 1 hour i get an equity curve that is going one way ...
Wing Not yet but I plan to.
Leo Have a look in this Forum, I got something interesting for you... https://www.prorealcode.co...
Dávid Gyalus Dear Wing, As I am a daytrader, and one of my best friend is a programmer we think your a...
Mr_Balagan Bonjour, j'ai quelques questions concernant cette combinaison d'indicateurs qui à l'air inté...
larouedegann STE : Fonction statistique "erreur standard" de séries temporelles de N périodes pour le pri...
Mr_Balagan Merci pour ces informations précieuses larouedegann. J'y vois plus clair. Encore joli boulot
JR1976 Dear Mike , your screener seem interest and simple... Do you try to envelope an automat...
Player Hi Mike, What is the name of the indicator just under the MMA ? Thanks Regards Marc
Igor Hi Mike, What is the name of the indicator just under the MMA ? Thanks Regards
EchnatonX Hallo Im Demomodus bei IG habe ich das Problem, dass oft keine Orders ausgeführt werden kön...
Jan EchnatonX, nice late answer of me: Make the stop loss a percentage of the close, like 100/...
guleny Hello I made some optimization to make it better. But there are 5 transacttion which incr...
