Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
finplus Thanks for the job. Which variables do you suggest for timeframe 1 hour? 
Maz Depends massively on your market and the volatility. I suggest using the variable optimizer ...
1Randy This a great momentum filter! I would like to see volume momentum incorporated into the indi...
8 years ago
nonetheless Hi juanj , thanks for posting this. I'm with IG and have been trying to run it on US 500 but...
bertrandpinoy bonjour je test le robot sp500 Optimizer stategy. Je ne vois pas le SL dans le code??? merci
phoentzs Hello Juanj, I really like this concept. I especially like the possibility of a reversal whe...
otty82  THX looks good!
century nice one , thank you
arvindrao01 Hey! Does anyone have a pinescript (tradingview) code for this?
supertiti Il manque 2 slash devant len dans le code dur car la variable ne marche pas bonne journée
8 years ago
HerveS_67 Bonjour, A quoi correspondent les données S, M, L ? Hello, What do the data S, M, L?
Vinks_o_7 aux paramètres à rentrer : 5 20 et 200...
Maz Nice idea thanks for sharing. I think you forgot to simulate spread thought, in the back tes...
Maz https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/ftse-is-lying-strategy-discussion/
Maz Have added a basic framework for further optimization and left some screen shots and source ...
bruces Hi. Thank you that is what I am looking for. As well as the chart, I want to also add to a...
imokdesign Hi Everybody, when I look at the strategy I felt the need to implement a Moneymanagement-Sy...
Inertia newlevel then multiplier=multiplier+1 oldlevel=newlevel newlevel=strategyprofit+startequi...
Inertia Hi Bjoern, I was playing around with your code this morning (EUR/USD 5'). Thank you to the...
Nicolas An answer to a query that has been posted in the squeeze indicator: https://www.prorealcode....
Jodal Bonjour Nicolas, Merci pour cet indicateur! Est-ce possible de configurer une alerte pou...
Nicolas Merci pour le post dans le forum en respectant les règles de publication énoncées dans le ca...
Dron De lo mejorcito
8 years ago
gatarayihajp Hi swingforfortune, Thanks a lot about your interesting posting. Let ask you to explain mor...
Swingforfortune Hello. Basically they are a twist of the MACD histogram and can be used as such. They visua...
gatarayihajp Hi again Thanks for the explanation. Have a good day
Francesco78 I did a little bit of work on that and now the results looks better and more stable. Please...
Francesco78 I did a little bit of work on that and now the results looks better and more stable. Please...
Khaled Hi Francesco , thank you for sharing your hard work. Any idea why all orders are executed at...
gabri Roman made the strategy, I made the code and Maze made it bulltproof. You can use it I belie...
Roman Francesco78 here is the strategy: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/highlowopen-prices-for...
Francesco78 Thank you!
8 years ago
jiminykricket Hi Nicolas, Its fair to say i'm a relative novice with ProRealtime and as such i am not sur...
Nicolas You can use assisted creation in probacktest, you'll get a quick overview on how to call a p...
jiminykricket Thanks Nicolas, i'll take a look
CavalierDeCesDames Bonjour Nicolas, Thanks for your use full job. I tried this indicator on a shorter timefram...
Nicolas You are welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Bolbo It does not appear over the price indicator on V11. Thanks in advance.
Maxime Baudin Nice, thanks!
rowestock Hi Nicolas, I am revisiting this indicator and wanted to ask, is it possible to replace sty...
Nicolas Why not, please add a new request in our probuilder forums.
majid52026 Hi I want MBXF Timing for mq5 Does anyone have this indicator???
dertopen Hi Nicolas good work for the code translation when i chek the mbfx system site i see in t...
Nicolas Yes, just change the color by yourself in the indicator settings window.
bearbull As per PhilipSchultz question above, has anybody managed to add code for when it turns blue,...
Ybr35 Bonjour Nicolas, lorsque je lance l'indicateur, il m'est indiqué que je dois définir les var...
Nicolas L'idéal est de télécharger le fichier itf joint sur cette page et de l'importer dans la plat...
fabio407 Thanks, Nicolas. Very useful. Would you tell me where to find what result conveys the functi...
Nicolas This is not an instruction of the programming language but a variable from this indicator (l...
fabio407 OK. I didn't notice it. Many thanks, Nicolas!
8 years ago
DeMarker Indicator
DeMarker Indicator
HeikinAshi How do you spot the divergences? Do you use an divergence-finder indicator?
gabri HeikinAshi, you can use this divergency finder https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indic...
HeikinAshi Thanks Gabri, I thought in this direction. I'll check it out, thanks!
