Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
JanWd Thank you for the coding, it seems promising. FTSE gives for the short term (5 min) promis...
Jan Wind 21.04.2019: I retested the strategy for the DAX 5 minutes , it works fine for 10.000 bars, b...
bertrandpinoy hello Francesco, are you still working on this strategy?
albertocampagna Sei grande Nicolas :-)
SAcht Dear Nicolas, Great work, thank you very much!I would love to use the indicator in ProScree...
SAcht btw: The above-posted ProScreener is supposed to show stocks for which the center line has i...
Nicolas All conditions under parenthesis for the c1 to c4 conditions should be inverted. 
tomus Can you give an example of the overbought codes please? Thanks.
ams123 Frank Merci Nicholas -:)
Djo Not working on V11. The RSI doesn't appear on the chart.
Mika83 Bonjour, J'ai des soucis de lecture de syntaxe avec la variable "drawsegment" sur la versio...
seb234 Salut Mika, j'ai la version V11.1, la formule fonctionne. Mais il est préférable, dixit Nico...
Francesco78 Many thanks JR1976 for your improvement,  although results with your filter looks better th...
JR1976 HI Francesco, in  effect  3 consecutive lose  in May and today .... doesn't work well ,  ne...
Francesco78 Hi JR, yes indeed quite disappointing in may and today, but still within the max drawdown sh...
Wilko And not only readable.... makes it much easier to iterate different entry/exit-conditions, d...
IGOSNELL Hi Interesting strategy, when I used $ M-R Dif EURUSD M15 Long if does not enter any positi...
ilvillans HI, I modified the system, from good results but from this error: Replace the variables wit...
bjoern With the same parameters? For me the results are negative
bjoern Oh ok, with the initial posted parameters it is positive
victormork yes! It's not like you want to put it on live but when I for example take the version I have...
victormork Hi, I would just like to share my own take on this strategy. I'm using 30 min on EURUSD but ...
mckubik Thanks. I will run a Test. 
poonsl2828 Hi! bjoern May i know what timing should i change for time zone (Singapore (GMT +8:00) ...
8 years ago
AutoFlanders Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà remarqué, sur ce graphique, que les bougies montantes sont rouges et l...
lilo789 Bonjour, Merci Mr Nicolas pour ce très bon indicateur. Une excellente stratégie qui est t...
Nicolas Les codes postés sont libres et appartiennent à tous, faites en ce que vous voulez :)
bolsatonimora2 Hi, nice indicator, it´s possible to include a middle line with 50 value? ty!
gabri Hi, EMA26 approximate almost exactly the 50% line
Alain Wilder MA is exactly the 50% line
Samitha Prasanna Hi ALE, would you be able to provide the values for the below part of the code (time >=1...
Player Bonjour, J'ai testé cette stratégie sur EurUSD en 1 heures sur 10000 unités et le résultat ...
Player Vue du rapport du Backtest https://ibb.co/8BMrBz6
Nicolas Merci dans ce cas d'ouvrir un sujet dans le forum ProScreener svp.
Andrea Hi Nicolas, thx for your code. Please i need your help to understand this part of your code:...
Nicolas the MA200 is ascending since 20 periods.
8 years ago
Loop Hi All! Would it be possible to have the same indicator with the MACD calculated with the DE...
Nicolas Why not, but do you think it would make such a noticeable difference?
Loop Good question Nicolas! That's why I was curious to check it! MACD based on DEMA is usually m...
Leo Hi Gabri, have you ever try this in a trading system?
gabri Leo, I used to crosscheck this indicator a long time ago. For the trading I was doing at tha...
Nolubok Bonjour Gabri, merci pour l'ensemble de vos publications, serait il possible d'avoir le scr...
8 years ago
Volume Stops
Volume Stops
Aragorna Hello, ask for a help, please. why the indicator in my PRT is in a different area and not in...
Nicolas Add it on the price chart: https://www.prorealcode.com/blog/video-tutorials/how-to-add-an-in...
Infanta Congratulations. Of all the indicators that I have been able to examine, in my opinion and f...
Nacho Molto bene, ho voluto parlare di una cosa che sto trovando con questa strategia, ho girato s...
Francesco78 Ciao Nacho, grazie per il commento, onestamente  a me non e' mai capitato, ma ho fatto solo ...
Pietro Ranzato ciao francesco grazie mille. pietro ranzato non riesco a contattarti sono interessato al tuo...
8 years ago
Alex975 Wilder personalmente lo definisco un poeta del trading..  Utilizzo alcuni strumenti di Wild...
AleX Vi faccio partecipi dell'evoluzione del mio studio, mi avete appassionato a Wilder che da ig...
gabri Grazie mille Alex!!  
wtangsiri Bonjour J'ai importé le fichier ITF en question, mais cela me donne, en bas de l'écran, un...
Nicolas Il faut ajouter l'indicateur sur le graphique du prix.
skuggan89 This is a great indicator, works very well!! Is there any algo based on this indicator that ...
