Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Marcel Thank you for this one. I played around with this indicator with Bollinger Bands around it i...
Doctrading Hello, Higher timeframes are better. I suggest D1 or H4.Best regards,
Pinkybouh hello, I propose to add another conditions: ie: haussier: close > open and close >...
TheHovisTrader I'd be interested in the actual profit of this - in the example the stop range is at least 2...
Regan2020 Hi, has anybody update the above code to enable on a 15m or 5m TF?
gigi64 ik heb de code op mijn pro realtime gezet , en bij indicator staat hij erbij maar komt niet ...
gigi64 I have put the code on my pro realtime, and it is on the indicator, but it does not appear o...
supertiti Thanks you so much Lucassen
dreif123 hi, copied the above code, not working on 10.3 the system says "return can only be used at ...
LUCASSEN Hallo , i have no problem , and i have the same versie 10.3, maybe you can ask Nicolas, tha...
Nicolas Restart your platform in order to be sure to use the last version, there was a version rollb...
bertrandpinoy bonjour voud pouvez m envoyer le code modifier par vous?
Nicolas Désolé , je ne comprends pas votre question.
8 years ago
Nicolas Para cambiar los colores del histograma, deben usarse las variables r, gyb entre las líneas ...
leofib Hello, I was looking for a MACD Histogram with red and green bars according to the value of ...
Helgart Hi, it's great to have this option of having a histogram coloured based on rising or fall...
8 years ago
mexitrader Great I hope you like it. Here's the code for NR7 indicator cheers   //NR7 C1= Ran...
EricaT Hi mexitrader, could you not create the same pattern screener but on 4 candlesticks NR4 ? I ...
ShaunG Appreciated "mexitrader" thanks for sharing.
rama LOWEST[15(close[0]) also gives the same
TempusFugit Ok, but you are missing the 120 lookback period
Globalmarkets79 Hello, I tried to run the code but i had an syntax error that "This variable is not used in ...
Nicolas Rien, il faut l'appliquer sur la charte. Soit le mettre sur le graphique du prix, à l'aide d...
signorini Merci pour votre réponse. Je l'applique sur la charte, j'utilise la petite clé pour effacer ...
signorini Je vous remercie, Nicolas. C'est fixé. Très bon week-end.
owes29 Hi is there anyway to develop this for the pro scanner on daily or hourly scans. so it woul...
Nicolas Of course, please add a query in the proscreener forum.
Bruno Carnazzi C'est dommage, cette histoire d'énergie fractale bousille complètement la précision de l'ind...
DEIO Hi sublime06, I tank you for the compliments, but first of all I STRONGLY want to warn yo...
bertrandpinoy Bonjour Deio excusez moi je ne comprend pas le principe du SL et du TP sur votre strategie.....
bertrandpinoy bonjour avez vous un TP et SL pour cette strategie? merci
otty82  all right. thanks
mmichael Hello, I noticed that the indicator shows the initial balance of today but also for all the ...
leyoy Bonjour, comment l'adapter sur 15 minutes au lieu de 1 heures ... j'ai changé 090000 par 081...
Derek Nice strategy. Have you tried adding a stop loss since there are a few sharp drawdowns? I ...
Piston_Broke Non so .... da qui la mia domanda iniziale :-)
Piston_Broke Hi Derek. I have tried many different ways to apply SL's to this and similar versions of th...
Nicolas Indeed, if you are not willing to loose, you will always win. Averaging down losers can carr...
David You're always safer going Long especially with averaging down on an index as the probability...
Oskar Bergvall  I noted Davids and Nicolas remarks. Could it be possible to make an indicator for contraria...
Nicolas si il n'y a pas de stoploss définit dans le code, alors c'est normal :)
bertrandpinoy bonjour merci pour la réponse. Oui b sur ... est il possible que le SL soit coder sous une a...
Nicolas ok mais pourquoi poser la question ici ? Pour des questions non spécifique à cette article, ...
David Somogyi Hello, This is merely a filter indicator for measuring high fractality, which helps to av...
bertrandpinoy bonjour ce code fonctionne toujours?
Nicolas Faites un backtest, vous aurez des réponses.
Abz  hi , you need to add the indicator from the "price" menu in chart
Francesco Thank you Abz!
phanz Hi Nicolas, this is an interesting strategy. For long position, I assume entry when prices ...
Krallenmann Hallo Nicolas, kannst du mir die Regeln für den Halftrend Indikator sagen? Aus dem Code kann...
davefransman Dear Nicolas, i want set a alert on the "HalfTrend "custom moving average" met Heikin Ashi w...
Nicolas Please post the question in a new forum topic, that would need custom coding I believe.
zilliq Hi Francesco, Thanks for your code, There is a little error. You need to add the notion of...
Sofitech Hello. How can we modify the code to have an alert on each arrow buy and sell...? RETURN.......
mikael Hi Zilliq! I don`t understand were to put the notion of  reversal (-1/+1). Can you please e...
Jessar Hi friends, is there any way to program the system to close the position when you have a lon...
Pring00 Hello @Nicolas, thanks for this code! Just what i was looking for. I'm fairly new to this...
Nicolas Needs custom coding, ask for a mod in a dedicated topic, in the appropriate forum please.
