Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
jelogui merci beaucoup Nicolas, je m'en occupe.
zeD22 Hello There Nicolas, When i try to copy the code i get an Error says: the following varia...
Nicolas Download the itf file and import it.
8 years ago
Nicolas You can send it to contact@prorealcode.com and I'll attach it here. Thanks for your sharing!
Francesco78 Hi Lotar, which variables would you choose to recalibrate it to the present market condition...
Degardin Arnaud unfortunatly in today's market it's not working at all...
Derek Clarification: Automatic rollover will be into the nearest forward but I prefer the farthes...
gatowman Hallo Derek, ich bin neu hier, wo finde ich die beiden Indikatoren? kansst du sie als itf p...
bertrandpinoy BONSOIR j ai tenté votre modification mais PRT ne l accepte pas "erreur de syntax" pouvez vo...
Francesco78 Merci, tres interessant
leederbyshire Hi, would it be possible to combine this screener with roberogozzi's divergence screener? I'...
leederbyshire This is possible code is available here https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/divergences-screener/
Nicolas Sorry but we do not provide any help for mt4 users. Our website is dedicated to ProRealTime ...
rginvest44 Bonjour Messieurs et félicitations pour votre travail. De mon coté, lorsque je souhaite e...
Nicolas Bonjour, il s'agit d'un code d'indicateur et non d'un screener. Cet autre code par exemple e...
8 years ago
Nicolas it is based on seasonality of DAX.
Luciano Santiago Juárez Hello I am new here I am trying to understand this code IF monthlyMultiplierLong > 0 ...
Luciano Santiago Juárez Sorry the code copied bad the line I dont understand is: ELSIF monthlyMultiplierLong 0 THEN
GabrielVP Hola. ¿Has probado a incorporar compras en el mismo sistema? o ¿sería posible? disculpa mi i...
vitatrader35 Hola, Diego Puedes explicar cómo lo usas? Estoy tratando de emplearlo como validación de te...
diegofe_2000 Compra a la baja :  cruce de MEAN sobre AVG PEAK Compra al alza :   cruce de MEAN con AVG...
andrea ronca hi, do you know the best configuration for period, delta and fraction? thanks in advance
Lyam Pareil ne marche pas dommage
ahmedbouaziz89 Bonjour, quand j'ajoute le code ou le fichier dans l'outils screeners de Prorealtime je ne v...
tyvix Bonjour le code marche bien c est juste qu'il n y a pas d opportunité au moment ou vous le...
8 years ago
diegofe_2000 vamos a probarlo
wtangsiri Bonsoir Qu'appelez vous l'axe vertical et comment le définir ? Merci pour votre aide.
rafadonl2 Pardonnez-moi mais je ne sais pas ce que vous entendez par "axe vertical". Serait-ce la lig...
rafadonl2 Je viens de voir ce que vous voulez dire. Comme pour tout autre indicateur, vous devez défin...
8 years ago
Nicolas Sure, please open a new topic in the probuilder forum with all specifications needed.
toni1750 Hola, funciona en P11? lo he puesto y no me sale como en la imagen. gracias.
GustavoLoboOrenstein Hello Nicolas, I have a cumulative histogram update problem, the indicator often updates ...
gregus bonjour a tous quelqu un pourait il recodé en prt il sagit  du dynamique zone ma, je n arri...
Nicolas Merci de faire une requête spécifique sur le forum. 
verdi55 Is there such a thing as a free lunch ?
maceng Thanks Nicolas for this great work! I would like to understand the math behind it in order t...
Nicolas Sorry I have no time to provide assistance for python programmers. Have a good day.
Maz Hi all, firstly happy to know that this is helping you. I look into updating it for PRT11 wh...
Nicolas just use 3 times a linear regression channel code you will find in the library.
leederbyshire Here's the link to alternative linear regression channel indicator Nicolas is referring to t...
Elsborgtrading By adding the inside bar breakout failure candle, which is the next bar after the inside bar...
DegoodBoby very nice indicator but pls how can we use the indicator without the text (inside bar/brea...
ShaunG Hi Elsborgtrading thanks for this indicator. I was initially looking for a "IDnr4" which I c...
Iber0 Asi quedaria con el spread de IG [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2418ism.jpg[/IMG]
bjoern Seems to work nice on BUND - M15 with SL 70 and TP 120
hvluthy@sunrise.ch I tried to backtest this code but don't get any restults. Can any body help me?
