Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
8 years ago
julien1978 The ADR value that is plotted intraday does not match the value of the regular ATR indicator...
Fab666 I've tried to get a fix for this also but no luck, it doesn't print the correct data as far ...
Seabiscuit Hi! With the new PRT update, this indicator does not work anymore
Wing Yes, investigate as much as you want. For more insight, you can view the linet1, linet2 etc....
CKW Hi Wing, Thanks for your sharing. I am still trying to breakdown & understand your code...
Wing Hello CKW. No, the parameter, 7 in this case, is used when calling the RSI indicator to ide...
rafadonl2 Prueba la nueva version que acabo que poner. Incluye regresion lineal y elimina señales en t...
rafadonl2 prueba la nueva version que acabo de poner. Usa regresion lineal y elimina muchas señales en...
rafadonl2 te adjunto el código. //Reglas en Heikin-Ashi: //1- Secuencia de cuerpos verdes = tenden...
Sofitech Ce code n'est valable que sur la V10.3 ? sur le 10.2 il y a une erreur de syntaxe dans le fi...
Nicolas Oui en effet, c'est un indicateur "10.3" à cause uniquement de la mise en forme des courbes ...
Nicolas En effet, c'est le cas si on copie/colle le code. Ces 2 variables sont inscrites en externes...
Salocin Hello Nicolas, my french is not that well. It occurs an error which can not be solved by cop...
Nicolas Just download the ITF file and import it into your platform, follow these easy steps: https:...
Maxime Leleux Nice screener but the 2 candelsticks around the doji should be long sticks (red and green). ...
Nicolas You need to have enough bars loaded on your chart for the indicator to compute completely th...
verdi55 Working with separately calculated supertrend indicators in backtests is usually somewhat pr...
Nicolas Very interesting Verdi. Would be a great addition to the library, your own modified version ...
Nacho Buenos días Raul, tengo puesto este sistema desde hace unos días en una cuenta demo en la ve...
Dominik Hola Raul ... it looks wonderful :-) Why does it not work if I use less than 100,000 € capi...
Bobbi Hola y gracias por compartir! Descubrí que en 5 minutos teníamos algo muy bueno! Pero no ...
8 years ago
T3 Velocity mix
T3 Velocity mix
Maximus Hello, I have not found better tool for analyzing divergences. Congrats !
tatankayotanka Ciao , tu come lo usi?
Fabius965 Ciao tatankayotanka.....ho provato a caricare il tuo indicatore ciclico, ma quando chiedo la...
8 years ago
gabri Great job!! I love everything that involve Ichimoku. Did you think about changing the line t...
Rohan Thanx gabri. Yes I did play around with the offset. It works but I like the "earlier" warnin...
Dom Dominics Hi, Is this code can be used for MT4 ?
8 years ago
Boomer pattern
Boomer pattern
Nicolas Oh sorry! I think you are still using the 10.2 version of the platform that don't allow thes...
Chamberskob Hi Nicolas, your screeners are great thanks heaps! I am just getting used to PRT. Any chanc...
Nicolas Why not, please add a query as a new topic in the screeners forum.
8 years ago
Haos Visual
Haos Visual
Lyny @Nicolas, how can i put this code in ProOder when for example i want to buy 1 share with con...
Nicolas Please open a new topic on forums for coding requests, I'll help you there. 
Johan Swarts Lyny / Nicolas Please advise whether you proceded with the code in ProOrder and if so where...
Nicolas Pour les demandes spécifiques, merci d'ouvrir un sujet sur le forum des screeners en respect...
Djamal Zidane hello tout le monde , marcara ton objectif est tjrs de l'actualité?
Gover66 Hello, I would like to limit the screener to the last 5 bars only, is this possible?
gabri Ichimoku is one of the best trend indicator ever together with the Guppy EMA's. I agree with...
primo1 thanks
traderkarnik Rohan, Have you tried encorporating momentum indicator? if waiting for future cross in your...
Bard Thanks for posting this indicator @Nicolas, I'm wondering if it's possible to have a % ROC s...
Nicolas Hi Bard, angle of a MA is nothing more than a ROC oscillation. I assume, that's why you foun...
8 years ago
Twiggs Money Flow
Twiggs Money Flow
Nicolas https://www.prorealcode.com/documentation/average/ 0 = SMA 1 = EMA 2 = WMA 3 = Wilder 4 = Tr...
century thanks alot . it's all i need ;)
dcos Any ideas why this would return an empty chart? Imported the ITF and it doesn't seem to want...
