Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Nicolas EDIT: identifying pattern number in the ProScreener window: https://www.prorealcode.com/to...
pyhrus Nicolas ,       Could you communicate to us the indicator you have used to draw patterns ...
Nicolas Description of falling/rising wedges: https://www.centralcharts.com/en/gm/1-learn/7-technica...
Conte Caimano
9 years ago
Butterworth Filter
Butterworth Filter
Nicolas Do I need to change the code accordingly to your formula?
StefanoCG ciao Fabio ... non hai mica tutti i torti ... la notte bisognerebbe dormire per non scrivere...
9 years ago
Nicolas You will find the VWAP code from PRT here: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/is-there-any-wo...
keks Thanks for sharing this wonderful code. Is there a way to draw a horizontal line to plot pre...
taklause Hello, just one question, can it be that this indicator does not work on ProRealTime v12? T...
9 years ago
Cosmic1 Lets discuss here: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/cac-breakout-ported-to-other-markets/
rejo007 hello, anybody use thi strategy for a long time? thanks
abacus23 Hi, I have been trading this strategy and it seems to work quite well recently. Is there a...
Elsborgtrading No that is wrong :) 1st runs always- then only run 2nd if 1st is on market with positions(ar...
Elsborgtrading It can only be fully automated if IG change minimum SLto 7 at night on DAX multi timefra...
Elsborgtrading A small example. the strategy would have opened 3 position on Dec 4th 2016 and keept it for ...
9 years ago
Cosmic1 @JadeDB What times are you putting in?
sincitytrader I tried this one out recently,  and wasn't profitable for me.
Cosmic1 Yes, not great lately. I stopped this live at the end of last year. Will wait to see when th...
rpreviteri Hi Nicolas, thanks a  loto for sharing your knowliedge, Wasn't the original momentum pinball...
air Thank you!  
elanoa Buonasera sig. Nicolas......sarebbe possibile far in modo che quando l'indicatore raggiunga ...
Philip Raphael Hey! Thank so much for sharing this wonderful indicator! I have always tried to code a simil...
CKW Hi Philip, What do you mean "Years" are not defined ? candle? If to code yearly candle size...
dakaodo Years not defined was probably b/c Phillip copied and pasted the code into PRT instead of im...
9 years ago
Williams Percent %R
Williams Percent %R
Nicolas Thank you but no sorry. Still have some trouble with the comments system. I will fix it soon.
Manuel Cerbi Come posso modificare il codice in modo da poter cambiare a piacimento il numero di periodi?...
Geronima Ortiz period = 14 a posto di 14 scrivi np poi crei una variabile con lo stesso nome
roos Hi Nicolas, another really helpful bit of code, thank you! Can I ask how you might amend so ...
Denis Good evening Nicolas, could you tell me where thae arrows on the chart come from ? I don't s...
Nicolas there is no arrow in this indicator.
bluetime6 Hello Doctrading.   Can you ask you for something? Can you code a screener screen po...
9 years ago
Suzu Yuk Hello, I am still getting the same error even after removing the // in front of the “myPe...
carlvan J'ai la même erreur. Pourtant ABS donne par définition un nombre positif
Nicolas Essayons de remplacer la ligne 27 par: averageperiod=max(round(averageperiod),2)
Mansoor What does COI stand for?
MikeGC Hi Mansoor, COI is the abbreviation for the Coppock indicator.
nonetheless Anyone interested in this strategy please see forum topic: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic...
Nicolas Well done supertiti, nicely coded and very accurate.
Dimi.A Beautiful.
gianlox I added a simple momentum indicator (MACD). I think much better results:   achat = 0v...
gianlox achat = 0 vente = 0 MACD12M = MACDline[12,26,9](close) MACD12S = ExponentialAverage[9](MA...
Stenozar Buongiorno, qualcuno sta utilizzando in reale questa strategia? con quali risultati? Grazie!
reb Hi Stenozar Sorry in the library, could you use english pls ? I don't use this strategy  l...
Stenozar Thanks Reb; do you suggest any other strategy on Brent? thanks
proreal82 Testing it out, and sorry guys but this indicator is ridiculous. Don't use it!
rama I have tested this indicator , this is one of the best indicator for scalping , I tested on ...
Regan2020 Hi Rama, I am using the indicator now, but it doesn't seem to form live time, and only indic...
Dymjohn Thanks for the comment grizzly, I like the look of your position sizing coding but won't use...
Elsborgtrading Hi John, and nice to see you took the Ichimoku a step further:-) One thing though, I think t...
swede_trader It doesn't generate anything for me. And I can't debug it, any tips?
