Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
MikeGC I don't know if you have used the variables a and b to optimise the parameters for the Super...
gianpiero75 I have not optimized, I multiplied the parameters for 6 (5,8), to use them on the 4  hoursTF...
bertrandpinoy bonjour Mike j utilise TrendChaser V2.0 et quand il prend position cela ne programme pas le ...
Julio Hi Doctrading, Is it possible to flip this to a "going bearish" by simply switching the cod...
Doctrading Hello, Yes, you can do it very simply...
Tarek Laaroussi Hi doctrading i am the one who sent you the email first thanks for the code . It really wo...
Nicolas Non ça n'est pas encore possible.
Denis Merci Nicolas.
Yann LB Bonjour à tous, Est-il possible de rajouter un morceau de code qui permette d'afficher (s...
Nicolas Thank you for contribution. Please consider that advertising is tolerate as long as you cont...
triss1965@gmail.com  Hi, I cant make it work. And if you doing so much money. Why do you have to sell it? It don...
T-rader Eva... He dosen´t sell anything. He is just a nice guy that want to share on of his strategy...
Pelle Nævestad Thanks Nicolas, this is a keeper!
Chicane23 Hi, when uploaded the WAE isnt showing histogram; only line. Is there a way to modify?
Nicolas Change the way the lines are displayed in the indicator settings window : histogram, lines, ...
Dimi.A Perfect for counter-trend scalping. I like this!
viktorthuns Hi Nicolas! Great work you've done with all your indicators. Just wondering about the code a...
Nicolas the value is not a boolean but an average of an addition of booleans. As stated in the descr...
DerPat I am also interested in your forward testing, as backtesting results are useless.
Elsborgtrading I agree, but since we don't have any SL or TP at all, or any Profit on zero candle, I think ...
ALEALE Dear Mr. Brymas ,could you test the optimazed strategy of Elsbortrading below for 1 year ?Th...
9 years ago
marc.schmid Dear Nicolas - your Multi Fractals ZigZag High/Low gives me quite good results - thanks for ...
Nicolas There must be a lot of screeners built upon this indicator in the forums. First I found is h...
marc.schmid Thanks a lot Nicolas!
9 years ago
Nicolas add it on price chart, change the cp parameter according to the period you want to observe f...
Robert22 hola buenos días: yo estoy buscando una cosa parecida para realizar con ello un indicador de...
Nicolas https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators/rsi-classical-hidden-divergences-indicator/
Naren Yanan what is    diplus  diminus  please
Barney Has anyone tested this algon now when PRT 10.3 was released?
Yngve does anyone know if the issue with the TP/SL is resolved ?
JakeDB Answered my own question....Sorry about this question. 5 positions, take profit at 15, loss ...
maxxb sto facendo girare in demo questa strategia modificata a 10 minuti con stop e profit ottimiz...
Manuel9z Hello, this strategy improves with the SL 30 and the TP 10. I have done backtesting and it w...
Nicolas En effet, j'ai déjà eu ce genre de retour sur cet indicateur, je t'avoue avoir eu du mal à c...
Lavallette Bonjour Nicolas. Je trouve cet indicateur intéressant et j'essaie de l'intégrer dans une st...
Nicolas Non tout est correct, mais je comprends que tu aies un doute. C'est la façon dont a été écri...
zilliq The reasons why I think it's time consuming and we loose time to try to do backests and Auto...
filiprb Hello Zilliq, You don't need a system to produce a walk forward test. You can easily create...
Philip Raphael It is incredible! Thanks for sharing, Doctrading!
Doctrading Hello, As I said, I didn't use spread for the screenshot as I don't trade Gold and I don't ...
smurfy Hi, I had been losing on gold and after I manually go through the 5min chart using IG and w...
eiffel Hi Smurfy, hope you are still there... I would like to help you to write and test the code.
Nicolas Nice, thanks for sharing. How much profitability lookback do you have with this indicator mo...
Hans63 Well, I am a discretionary trader, so I don't trade all the signals given by a system or by ...
Nicolas ...and that's clever, thanks again for your feed back and your sharing.
Manu L. Et si je prends éventuellement celui-ci, comment puis je programmer le screener pour qu'il ...
Nicolas Pour des demandes personnalisées, merci d'utiliser le forum, en ouvrant un nouveau sujet tou...
Manu L. c fait :-) https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/pro-screeners-trend-reversal-continuation-pa...
9 years ago
Smoothed repulse
Smoothed repulse
Altares Wow thank you!
bala01 If anyone is wanting it now for people like me then the following gives the same value as p...
9 years ago
Nicolas You should join and read the forum thread about this strategy. There are plenty of different...
Reiner Hi djtaktik and welcome, I have answered your question in the related Pathfinder forum beca...
danver34 is this version the definitive one or from the original one have there been modifications to...
