Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Wilko This code is the work of a simple genius! Profitability lies in simplicity and repetition.
Nicolas Good joke. FYI, you'll find many identified recurring patterns there: http://paststat.com G...
Yngve i added a MA as a filter, that improved the equity curve quit nice actually
9 years ago
ancapreb Thanks a lot for the indicator. It is essential in my strategy.... And I have a request if ...
Alessandro47 Hi Petrus thank you so much for your indicator, very helpful.
franciscojbritop Hi Leofib, Did you finally find a screener following Elder MACD-H divergences? If so, could...
9 years ago
Wave Trend oscillator
Wave Trend oscillator
Johan Yes. I made a call function and change that indicator so it included dynamic variables for c...
slamdunk Hi, is there an MT4 version of this indicator available? Thanks
Nicolas This website is dedicated to prorealtime trading platform. But you can ask others platforms...
9 years ago
Ergodic oscillator SMI
Ergodic oscillator SMI
Regisnew Bonjour, merci pour cet indicateur, serait il possible de construire un screener qui ramène ...
Nicolas Oui c'est possible, merci de formuler votre demande dans le forum des screeners, en respecta...
miguel33 Grazie filippo. sto facendo dei backtest per valutare meglio in diverse situazioni. se tro...
DerPat Hello, If you google, you will find a lot of articles and block posts that clearly show expe...
jens_kittner I would like to inform you that these strategies tested till today (03.05.2019) generates en...
DerPat Like your zero lag indicators.
9 years ago
Nicolas Overfit on past history obviously. But it doesn't mean that it would still underperformed in...
Francesco78 Thank you for the clarifications Nicolas, I am more aware of the meaning of the backtesting ...
CanAny1Trade Hi all, could a simple indicator be made to mark the traditional Pit based ORB? I'm tryi...
calefrago Salve, ho scaricato la strategia e ho provato a fare un test ma come risultato da 0, devo c...
pippo999 Someone still using this strategy? Are there any results available?
Valer Rob Andrea, are you still using expert advisor?
Doctrading Hello,  The strategy should be improved, no doubt. But it was just one of my ideas, which h...
ALEALE Yes Nicolas is very difficult, macro economic data can destroy any work!!  
styrke depends which.. I personally think that it's much more easier to trade on XBTUSD, try to co...
David Thanks for the explanation Nicolas.
freecat1899 Hello, I wanted to create a percent ADR based on this indicator, so I wrote this code that I...
revstrat At first glance, I see this mistake. You shouldn't average the highs and the lows. You shoul...
sagittario75 Good morning, You might have a change to this code so that you change the time settings dir...
sandfred can this indicator be both converted into .mq4. i couldnt use it as .itf
Nicolas For any customized code, you can ask the programming services: https://www.prorealcode.com/t...
9 years ago
9 years ago
Choppiness index
Choppiness index
eisi If i switch between different Markets, the Backgroundcolour will appear where it should not...
datageek How can I get alerts on colour change?
NAMBO40 Hello, I would like to add a 25 period SMA moving average. It's possible?
9 years ago
Gian65 Hi I downloaded your indicator, and checked the pattern engulfing, but I think you should ch...
swapping ce n'est pas le bon endroit mais je n'ai pas eue de difficulté pour ajouter une image extern...
Yannick Thanks for sharing. This strategy is flat for 11 years and winning afterwards. Don't you thi...
Doctrading Hello, As I usually say, strategies are exposed to be improved :) So yes, I think there mu...
Bruno Carnazzi Moyenne mobile intéressante, dommage qu'elle soit si gourmande en puissance de calcul. Les v...
PeP2016 Hi, simple and nice idea. One question though: I read it removes small price fluctuations ...
Lior Green Doesn't work for me. Set values “compra” and “venta” to be shown as HISTOGRAM
