Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
jacquesgermain sì da aggiungere
Maik2404 auf welchen Wert muss ich die Kompresionsperiode stellen?
jacquesgermain — Période de compression : ce paramètre détermine la période de rétrospection utilisée pour ...
1 year ago
winnie37 Hi Ivan, if i want to use it, and call the oscillator value (in grey, green or red), how to...
Iván The oscillator is smoothtype. In inputs there is de lag to configure the output
ARLEQUIN49 Hello Ivan, Would it be possible to convert the code of this QQE MOD indicator which accomp...
ARLEQUIN49 here is the code: //@version=4 //By Glaz, Modified // study("QQE MOD") RSI_Period = i...
Iván Hi, Yes I can translate it but please, create a new topic for it.
philippe59139 Bravo super travail
xpe74 top job ......
xpe74 Hello, cet indicateur a il fait l'objet d'une conversion en stratégie de trading ?? does thi...
gidien Thanks for the hint. I think i know now, why this happen. The "settings" block was added by ...
LucasBest Thank you for sharing your work, both original and very disconcerting. When I went through t...
gidien Hello LucasBest, thanks for your comment. Point 1: Yes your are right. The Zigzag ve...
1 year ago
Cram13 Bonjour, qu'elles sont les valeurs des variables ? Avec mes remerciements Marc
gidien This indicator will not return any value. You can change the last line to : return ao...
gidien SMA1 = MovingAverage Length applied to the source candles (high , low, op...
Fgats quelques explications en Français ici : Some explanations in French here : https://www.p...
Nicolas Merci pour cette contribution, j'apprécie ! :)
Fgats Merci Nicolas pour ces encouragements et merci aussi pour le commentaire en Anglais accompa...
Msport71 Thank You very much
luxrun A question: what are the initial (or default) values ​​of maximum and minimum in the executi...
Anjuna Marine Thanks for sharing this. I've tested it over 13 years, and each year has been profitable. I ...
noisette Thank you for this code. looks robust and can easily be improved with trailing stop and adju...
jacquesgermain Bonjour non pas de soucis car src=customclose donc dans le menu configuration/propriété me...
geroniman Merci Jacques , indic tres utile. J'ai un indic à programmer avec du price action. es tu dis...
jacquesgermain ok pour regarder ...
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
MACD Reloaded
MACD Reloaded
NEOMKEY Nada nuevo
Carlose I love your version of the MACD, if you use it you can get a lot of use out of it, for me ma...
1 year ago
banjoo78 Which is the timezone's setting of USA SP 500? I've differents results and I don't know why....
pdrh I have runit in the UTC+2 TZ and got matching results
BaderBader Hey @banjoo78, maybe its because of your License for US Indices? Because I have the sa...
1 year ago
TSI 3.0
TSI 3.0
Fgats a = (Average[l1,m1](Average[l2,m2](ROC[mfvalue](close)))) b = (Average[l3,m3](Average[l4,m4...
Bateson Fgats, Un grand merci. Cela fonctionne parfaitement. J'ai bien compris la partie à rajouter ...
