Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
Fabio Anthony Terrenzio this strategy works only in a well defined trend
brosly Good afternoon I am trying to get the complete code of lex strategy made by adolfo since I s...
dreif123 hi Adolfo, is Alex Auto Trading Botindex working on DAX as well ? if so , can you post the...
9 years ago
thomas2004ch Hi Nicolas, >>This indicator code is not the one of the MACD divergence indicator a...
thomas2004ch I think I've found it. My questions: 1. Do you have the source code? 2. The following ...
Nicolas Hi, I'm not the author of this indicator. The MACD divergence source code of the one embedd...
s00071609 Hi, could you please suggest, what this codes gives, lowest[b](rsi[a]) -- just trying to us...
Nicolas lowest[b](rsi[a]) returns the lowest values of the RSI of "a" periods, over the last "b" per...
s00071609 Hi, what would be the code to get the price for last bullish DTOSC cross over. I am looking ...
xel @DerPat - I don't see any question regarding the indicator.  Anyway, I think I give enough l...
diegofe_2000 Xel, tu eres el creador de este indicador? Bueno te  cuento que es muy bueno para hacer est...
xel Buen día @diegofe_2000 -  Claro, mandalo y por aquí lo probamos en otros instrumentos y si g...
raviesco Hello Nicolas, Thanks for the post. Do you have an updated version of this screener/indi...
Doctrading I forgot to write at the beginning :  a = 50 b = 50 These are intermediate levels Sorry
DerPat Thank you. This one could be an aid in my current research on stochastics.
Pelayo it is possible that in line 12 we should put seuilinf=-b, thaks for all
GraHal Ooops got that excited I sent that last one twice! ha (and can't delete it, sorry) I got it...
Eric n = 3  dont forget to allow 3 contract in proorder
UkCoopDownUnder Tried EURUSD GMT and GMT -1, as far back as I can go, Nov 2018 on 15mn Tf, 22% loss
GraHal Hi Pascal There's lots not clear to me! :) Are you referring to C1 = PARABOLIC>HIGH //R...
volpiemanuele hi, can I have the latest full code of this strategy ? Thansk
Steve Hey Grizzly, I know this probably doesn't belong to this post, however, don't know how else ...
hvluthy@sunrise.ch I'm very interested to try out your strategy, but as a bloody newbie I need some help regard...
Scalp Hola Adolfo, tengo una variante de tu estrategia, pero no se programar, me puedes ayudar al ...
ALZ Hi, I tested this strategy and that doesn't work.. strategy is losing.. Does anyone curr...
Nicolas Thank you Pere!
M.Nicolas 81 Hola Nicolas. ¿Existe la posibilidad de que este indicador se muestre también en el históri...
Nicolas That would be possible to be coded using MTF indicator in PRT v11.
Nicolas You can ask for free assistance on forums: http://www.prorealcode.com/forums/ or use the ded...
Reiner Hi John, Unfortunately I haven't the time to offer the requested service but I'm sure you w...
RomanK_actor Hello guys, Thank you Reiner for your excellent work ! I put the code in real trades and u...
9 years ago
Bill Williams Fractals
Bill Williams Fractals
stevzor Hi - bit of an old post but hopefully you see my comment lol. I'm trying to add this Wil...
Nicolas Add it on the price by using the wrench on the left upper side of the price chart.
withoutwings Hi All, I've made some fixes & upgrades so that this single script can either used as...
Anonymous We try to enter before that the market actually turn. We try to anticipate it. In which way ...
dwgfx David-1984 are you saying that you've already factored in the spread within the code?  If y...
Anonymous no, not in teh code... only in the backtest. The entry is only between 8/22 so the spread fo...
Doctrading Hello, Someone asked me something (his results seemed to be different) on my email, but it ...
Glen Marquis Not your best..So what is your best strategy? :)
9 years ago
Pivot points intraday
Pivot points intraday
Nicolas Why are you asking this question there? (and in other places in the forums that don't have a...
Brisvegas Nice code Nicholas and well done on writing it but in my opinion and mine only pivot points ...
Nicolas Thanks for the input and your opinion, but IMO, the pivot points are ones of the best suppor...
9 years ago
Blue Monday DAX
Blue Monday DAX
morgan89 La formule est légèrement différente. C'est normal ? StopLoss = 10 // Could be our variabl...
danver34 is the Monday strategy based on some kind of trade gap strategy ?  
ALZ Hi Everybody Sure.. this strategy works too with CAC40 for example, Just necessary to adapt...
9 years ago
Trend Surfer DAX
Trend Surfer DAX
ALEALE You've solved I was using the strategy with oil :-P
reb   Hallo Reiner Ich finde deine verschiedenen Strategien sehr interessant. Vielen dank...
Reiner Hi Reb, Sorry for the late response. I traded this strategy only last year and stopped aft...
Doctrading It works on ProRealTime CFD, but backtest begins since May 2014
alex224 Hola Andres, buen trabajo. Algun problema por usar la estrategia con acciones en time frame ...
Andres Hola Alex, no lo he probado en otros timeframes, pero con esta configuración específica no c...
9 years ago
ATR percentile rank
ATR percentile rank
Nicolas This indicator rank the actual ATR to its recent statistical values. So you can have a bette...
Brisvegas Thanks Nicolas , very handy tool , I have added variables to look back period and ATR perio...
rufus.round How easy is it to remove the overnight intraday bars from the calculation?
9 years ago
Following the trend
Following the trend
Periho This is great, the code is interesting - kindly clarify: Line 18: BUY 1 SHARES AT high st...
MikeGC Hi @Periho,  Re "Buy at high stop", refer to this post http://www.prorealcode.com/topic/dif...
elsys Do you have a working version of the strategy?
