Feel free to download, test and comment below codes. Also share your own strategy, indicator and screener.
9 years ago
Kase Peak Oscillator
Kase Peak Oscillator
Bard Hi Nicolas, re-upping the coding request as you suggested for the genuine version of Kase's ...
Nicolas FYI: I found this other code in an old NL forum:  pri=Customcloselen=psmooth=catr = Average...
Bard Thanks very much Nicolas, but I can't post my reply here if I want to add a url link. When I...
Doctrading Bonjour, Tu as raison, il faut faire attention à la fiabilité de certains backtests. Le pro...
Duccio Hi DocTrading, I've backtested your strategy and I notice that 75% of position have been cl...
Doctrading Hello,  No, I don't use this strategy on real account, because my own strategies (that you ...
9 years ago
Alessio Nicolas Hello, I have recently started using this platform, I would like to test a system th...
Nicolas Please use forums for trading strategies queries. Many thanks. 
PassionTrading Salut Nicolas, Je regarde cette indicateur très intéressant par le fait qu'il est superposé...
denmar Hi Could somebody please enlighten me how this code operates. I wish to use the code (is...
denmar Testing email notification to Denmar
David Black #gm74 Did you ever get this figured out? gm74
besserwerden Hallo Nicolas, I think this is a great Idea. I tried a screener "Hammer breakout withi...
besserwerden // Hammer up Hup = close[i]>high[i+1] Hdown = close[i]open(i+1) and high(i+1)=close(i+1...
Suzu Yuk Hello, First time to post. What are "Criteria" in your scanner? What is its metric?
sally31120 bonjour Serait il possible de colorier l'histogramme en fonction du cour c'est à dire à dir...
David  Hi Doc! Thanks for sharing. For some reason I'm not getting the histogram, only a ribbon. A...
RAAAMMY Hi David, I have the same problem of a ribbon and not the histogram. Did you get a solution...
Andres Uffff, I didn't adjust the different index spreads. With the heavy spread of Italy It's nega...
davidp13 Good day. I know this was posted such a long time ago, but I though rebuilding the system on...
davidp13 Also to note that the one position in my code does not close the other, which as far as I kn...
komiko 9a marche pas ? le code sur prorealtime "erreur de syntaxe l'instruction retur et autorisée ...
Nicolas En effet, il s'agit bien du code d'un indicateur et non d'un screener ou d'une stratégie de ...
RussJ Hey people Some great screeners on here but I'm pulling up too many stocks when I s...
Andres Yo apenas llevo un mes aprendiendo por lo que no soy quien de recomendar nada, pero estoy vi...
pablito Muchas gracias Andres. Habra que estudiarlo a fondo para saber si en realidad funciona bien ...
Frankiesc Gracias por compartir!!! Lo voy a mirar para dejar algún comentario!!!
Adolfo Onrubia Ups! Sorry. Variable "S" is to set an specific Spread if needed. Could be "0", or the distan...
GraHal Hi Adolfo, big thank you for your code, but I am a bit confused. Spread is the difference b...
Meta Signals Pro Hi, For me there is a mistake here L32 maxriesgo = round(equity*riesgo) => round(equ...
Doctrading Thanks, man !
rajiwas How is it possible to add currentWeekHigh and currentWeekLow, currentWeekOpen and currentWee...
Takeshi Totally don't match the PRT basic pivots on weekly
cassio amigo você tem esse indicador para mt4 ou mt5.. ?
manchokcity WE NEED THIS IN MQL4 OR EX4
Nicolas We do not provide MT4 indicator in our website, all the codes around are made for Prorealti...
mamio Very nice indicator. Why doesn't it refresh as time passes?
Nicolas It should refresh on each bar.
mamio On my PC it doesn't refresh. I am using intraday tick bars (not minutes). Unfortunately I do...
zilliq I think the "best"  method to backtest is  to do a simplier Walk forward backtest (and we ho...
volpiemanuele Hi, I have modified and optimized the strategy on FTSE 100 CASH Eur 1 on IG demo account. B...
9 years ago
Nicolas I'm currently on leave, please add your request in forums. I'll take a look later. Thanks
nglpx1 Hi. someone may explain to me, please, how expressions like: filt= c1 * (whitenoise + whiten...
Bard This is a such a great filter, but you know what happens when the bandedge value is incorrec...
Doctrading Defparam cumulateorders = false n=1 // Plus le "ratio" monte, moins il y a de positions ...
Malloc Bonjour :) Je sais que cette stratégie a été partagée il y a de ça plusieurs années mais ...
lilo789 Hi guys! Do you know if it is possible to set the buy size to a relative % of the available...
9 years ago
Doctrading Interesting code.I see that you like HKLisse and Sohocool !
JR1976 Sembra performare molto bene   
giulomb E' tanto tempo che non lo guardo , non so neanche se il trading system soffre di iperottimiz...
giulomb E' tanto tempo che non lo guardo , non so neanche se il trading system soffre di iperottimiz...
luigiR Hallo doc, thank again for your strategy but can you suggest me  an example of the optimizat...
Wilko Do NOT take this system live! The backtest results will never be repeated live due to a shor...
mrripley99 So I've played around with this just recently and have achieved some good results in an IG d...
TradSuz C'est étrange, je note donc à nouveau les deux horaires achat et vente =9H/17H, le iRSI de l...
TradSuz Merci à Doctrading pour cette trame de code super et qui marche sur d'autres supports aussi....
Bibi83 Bonsoir à tous Juste pour vous informer que j'ai enlever les conditions short et que cela ...
