3-Sigma indicator

3-Sigma indicator

Whatever stock market values are observed, they do not follow a normal distribution.
normal distribution. To convince ourselves of this, we can simply note that :
– there is no fixed arithmetic mean
– values rise for a time, then fall for another, unless they oscillate in a range.
oscillate within a range.
Nevertheless, it is possible to calculate a sliding average and standard deviation over a given period.
Finally, for each price value, we can calculate a deviation from the mean expressed as a number of standard deviations.
of standard deviations. You can then draw a control chart and see how it behaves.

Please find attached a PDF file with a the complete description in French.

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  1. Fgats • 02/13/2024 #

    lien pour la documentation en Français (link French description)

  2. DELBERT • 02/13/2024 #

    Bonjour , merci pour le partage et la traduction , je vais essayer d’assimiler ce nouvelle indicateur qui me semble intéressent pour mon trading court terme . Bonne journée .

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