Adaptive Enveloppe

Adaptive Enveloppe

This adaptive Enveloppe indicator adjusts automatically its upper and lower bands with a percentage of price set with the higher high and lower low of the last 10 periods (you can adjust this lookback period with the “p” variable in the code).

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  1. Steven • 05/22/2018 #

    Hi im looking for some help to put a automated code together


    If EMA 10/25 is BELOW Dounchain Channel Middle THEN place BUY order when candle stick hits Dounchain Channel DOWN. Close order when NEXT candle Stick hits EMA 10


    If EMA 10/25 is ABOVE Dounchain Channel Middle THEN place SELL order when candle stick hits Dounchain Channel UP. Close order when NEXT candle stick hits EMA 10

  2. Dwell • 05/22/2018 #

    Thank you! Great tool!

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