APO-Absolute Price Oscillator (PO-Price Oscillator)

APO-Absolute Price Oscillator (PO-Price Oscillator)

APO Absolute Price Oscillator (also simply called: PO – Price Oscillator) is pretty much like MACD it’s a difference between a faster and a slower Moving Average.
Zero line crossings are to be intended as Bullish or Bearish signals.

input     = price, user defined, default is Midpoint
method = moving average (ma), user defined, default is SMA
period   = user defined, default is 10
period2 = user defined, default is 30
index    = current bar number

MA1 = ma(method, index, period, input);
MA2 = ma(method, index, period2, input);
Plot: diff = MA1-MA2;

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  1. poldoposta • 01/12/2021 #

    si potrebbe trovare una soluzione per sovrapporlo al prezzo?

    • robertogozzi • 01/12/2021 #

      Basta che tu clicchi sull’etichetta (tag) PREZZO del grafico (appena sotto l’angolo in alto a sinistra) e da li seleziona AGGIUNGERE INDICATORE, quindi scegli quello che t’interessa dall’elenco.

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