ATR Trailing Stop

ATR Trailing Stop

Hi all !

At the request of one of my readers of my website, I created this code : the ATR Trailing Stop.

I have not found any ProRealTime code of this indicator over the internet, so I created myself this code today.

I apologize if you already have a same code.

The ATR trailing stop is an indicator which, as its name suggests, uses the Average True Range as a trailing stop.

In this code, I did choose a period p = 14, but feel free to change it.

How to calculate the ATR trailing stop (ATRts) ?

The ATRx is defined by the closing price which is subtracted (uptrend) or added (in downtrend) 3.5 x ATR.

In uptrend (close > ATRts), if ATRx of the day is greater than the ATRx of the day before, the ATRts takes the value of the ATRx.

But if this ATRx day is lower than the day before, the ATRts is unchanged.

Therefore: the ATRts can only increase or stay the same in uptrend.

Of course, the rules are the opposites for a downtrend.

A simple indicator, and effective for trading!

Notice that it reminds closely the « SuperTrend » of Olivier Seban…

Here is the code (please insert it on the main graph) :


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  1. mbaker15 • 11/16/2016 #

    Could you help me add this to my swing trading code?
    defparam cumulateorders = false

    REM Money Management
    Capital = 2500 // initial capital at launch of the strategy
    Risk = 2.5 // risk in percent

    REM Calculate contracts
    equity = Capital + StrategyProfit
    maxrisk = round(equity*(Risk/100))

    REM defining moving averages
    EMA5 = exponentialaverage[20]
    EMA100 = exponentialaverage[150]
    EMA200 = exponentialaverage[200]
    hh = highest[20](high)
    ll = lowest[20](low)

    // -- case BUY
    if EMA5 crosses over EMA200 then
    stoploss = (close-ll)/pointsize
    stoplevel = (close-ll)
    PositionSize = abs(round((maxrisk/StopLoss)/PointValue)*pipsize)

    // -- case SELL
    if EMA5 crosses under EMA200 then
    stoploss = (hh-close)/pointsize
    stoplevel = (hh-close)
    PositionSize = abs(round((maxrisk/StopLoss)/PointValue)*pipsize)

    // -- trades exit
    if EMA5 crosses under EMA100 then
    if EMA5 crosses over EMA100 then

    SET STOP LOSS stoplevel


  2. Laurent7533 • 11/16/2016 #

    J’aimerais utiliser cet indicateur dans un autre indicateur mais quand j’utilise la commande CALL ” ATR TRAILING STOP”, ça ne marche pas. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça ne marche pas. Une idée ?

    • Degardin Arnaud • 11/16/2016 #

      Ajoute ceci à la strategie pour gerer les sorties dans le proorder:
      // Période
      p = 14

      // Average True Range X
      ATRx = AverageTrueRange[p](close) * 3.5

      // Inversion de tendance
      IF close crosses over ATRts THEN
      ATRts = close – ATRx
      ELSIF close crosses under ATRts THEN
      ATRts = close + ATRx

      // Cacul de l’ATRts lors de la même tendance
      IF close > ATRts THEN
      ATRnew = close – ATRx
      IF ATRnew > ATRts THEN
      ATRts = ATRnew
      ELSIF close < ATRts THEN
      ATRnew = close + ATRx
      IF ATRnew ATRts THEN

      IF SHORTONMARKET and close < ATRts THEN

  3. Degardin Arnaud • 11/16/2016 #

    IF LONGONMARKET and close < ATRts THEN


  4. Doctrading • 11/16/2016 #

    Bonjour à tous,
    Pour une raison que j’ignore, le code ne fonctionne plus tel quel.
    Il fonctionne de nouveau avec ceci :

    Je n’ai pas d’explication.

  5. Doctrading • 11/16/2016 #

    // Inversion de tendance
    IF close[1] ATRts and close < ATRts THEN
    ATRts = close + ATRx

  6. s00071609 • 11/16/2016 #

    Hi Guys Quick question regarding the above indicator. First of all is the below code correct for trailing STOP using the above indicator
    I have uploaded the indicator and named it ATRSTOP and used this code. When order is entered before the market turns bearish, and indicator just start to form the upper resistance, the price moves down and then it gets whipsawed at the prior bull support line. If i am understanding this correctly I believe this is what is happening. Any help would be great, thanks,

  7. s00071609 • 11/16/2016 #

    This is the code, could not insert in with ADD PRT

    //IF LONGONMARKET and close ATRts THEN

  8. dvlukic • 11/16/2016 #

    Hi Doctrading,
    How do I make the indicator overlay on the price series like on your screenshot?

  9. Guibourse • 11/16/2016 #

    Hi ! I am asking once again for your help : would it be possible to use the ATR as a “take profit” ? In an uptrend for example it would create a line above the price… Thanks a lot !!

  10. Tradingrob • 11/16/2016 #

    Many thanks for the indicator, however if the price is below the indicator, then the indicator’s line must also be colored red as a stop loss signal for the short. Unfortunately he doesn’t yet. Can this be changed in a new itf?

  11. aldtrading • 11/16/2016 #

    Merci pour ton travail ! J’ai de bons résultats en utilisant cet indicateur

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