The Balance of Power indicator measures the market strength of buyers against sellers by assessing the ability of each side to drive prices to an extreme level. The calculation is: Balance of Power = (Close price – Open price) / (High price – Low price) The resulting value can be smoothed by a moving average.
Traders may use this indicator to help:
- Identify the direction of a trend.
- Find divergences between the price and the BoP in order to identify a potential trend reversal or trend continuation setup.
- Take advantage of overbought and oversold conditions.
(description found on the web)
Code converted from Pinescript (tradingview) version by a request in the english indicators forum section.
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//PRC_True Balance of Power | indicator //11.10.2017 //Nicolas @ //Sharing ProRealTime knowledge //converted from Pinescript version //---settings //per=30 //periods for Emoline //---end of settings trhi = max(high, close[1]) //true high trlo = min(low, close[1]) //true low trop = close[1] //true open bop = 100*(close-trop)/(trhi-trlo) //True Balance of Power as percent lin= 1.5*linearregression[per](bop) //linear regression as emoline r=0 g=255 if bop<0 then r=255 g=140 endif return bop coloured(r,g,0) style(histogram) as "BOP", lin style(line,3) as "Emoline" |
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Hi Nicolas, I have this version of the True Balance Power ,created by eykpunter on Tradingview :
and the code :
// código original de eykpunter para la plataforma Tradingview
//reforma del script de LazyBear
//adaptado para Prorealtime por bolsatrilera
per=30 //title=”periods for Emoline”, type=integer, step=1, minval=4)
hihi = max(high, close[1])
lolo = min(low, close[1])
opop = close[1]
bop = 100*(close-opop)/(hihi-lolo) //part of range
lin= 1.5*LinearRegression[per](bop)
if lin 0 then
return bop coloured (r,g,b)style (histogram)as “True Bop”,lin style(line,2)as “Emoline”, 0 as “0”