Group Bollinger Bands double (1 and 2 standard deviations) for use in the system called speculation “corridor” used as a technique in FOREX, but also useful in other assets.
This indicator should be applied to the window and draws price and automatically configures the group of bands around the candles price. It is advisable to apply the color areas “corridors“.
In this simple but effective method it is based on speculative buying when closures occur within the upper hallway and sell when they happen at the bottom, hoping that accompany the trend.
The intermediate zone is neutral and the position is closed when the first closure occurs in the “corridor” contrary to that have opened. Like all systems trend, the sides are unproductive.
(explanation translated from spanish).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
REM BANDAS DE BOLLINGER DOBLES REM programadas por Blai5 REM Abril de 2008 med = ExponentialAverage[20](close) dst = STD[20](close) bes = med + (2 * dst) bei = med - (2 * dst) bis = med + (1 * dst) bii = med - (1 * dst) RETURN med COLOURED(204,153,255) as "Med", bes COLOURED(204,102,255) AS "Ext Sup", bei COLOURED(204,102,255) AS "Ext Inf", bis COLOURED(204,153,255) as "Int Sup", bii COLOURED(204,153,255) as "Int Inf" |
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