Breakout Entry Point Indicator

Breakout Entry Point Indicator

Breakout Entry Point is an indicator designed to identify strong breakouts by combining price action, momentum, and trend analysis. The indicator generates signals based on multiple confirmations, including strong candle patterns, momentum breakouts, and moving average relationships.

• Cooldown logic to avoid signal clustering
• Combined price action and momentum analysis
• Trend confirmation using MA20 and MA50
• RSI-based overbought/oversold filter
• ATR-based signal positioning
• Clear visual signals with arrows

LONG Signals (Up Arrow):
– Strong bullish candle (>50% body to range ratio)
– Upward momentum (price above previous 2 highs)
– MA20 above MA50 (uptrend confirmation)
– RSI below 70 (not overbought)
– Respects cooldown period

SHORT Signals (Down Arrow):
– Strong bearish candle (>50% body to range ratio)
– Downward momentum (price below previous 2 lows)
– MA20 below MA50 (downtrend confirmation)
– RSI above 30 (not oversold)
– Respects cooldown period

– CooldownPeriod
– ATR Period
– MA Periods: 20 and 50
– RSI Parameters

This indicator works great on Volume Bars (10K for the Dow), and starting from H1 for time related bars. It works best in trending markets and helps identify potential trend continuation setups.

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