CDC ATR Trailing Stop v2.1

CDC ATR Trailing Stop v2.1

Contains two ATR trailing stop lines, fast and slow.
The slow ATR SL line is the same as the one in a normal ATR trailing stop loss indicator.
The fast one is created to generate buy/sell signals (plot arrows on the chart).

The system works well in high volatility market.

(translated from tradingview code, following a request in the Spanish forum).


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  1. zilliq • 04/10/2018 #

    All works in High Volatility Market 😉 Thanks Nicolas and have a nice day

  2. Maik2404 • 04/10/2018 #

    Ich hab mal eine Frage zu deinem Indikator:
    Der Einstieg ist ja über die Pfeile geregelt.Ab wann steige ich aus? Bei Short am Ende der roten Linie?

  3. bezieh • 04/10/2018 #

    Looking good nicolas, although, after i download it and have it as a indicator, what settings should i put in the wizard so it buys and sells as the indicator shows?
    Doesn’t seem to figure out how to do that, thanks 🙂

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      Add sSell and sBuy in the RETURN instruction and you should be able to use the indicator in automatic trading.

  4. bezieh • 04/10/2018 #

    I dont understand what you mean.. the code already has “ssell” and “sbuy”..?

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      change the RETURN instruction line with this one:
      return ts1 style(point,1) as “Fast Trail”, ts2 coloured(rtrail,gtrail,0) style(line,2) as “Slow Trail”, ssell,sbuy
      Then you’ll be able to use these last variables in any trading strategies, by looking for their values, 1 means a new signal, 0 means no signal.

  5. bezieh • 04/10/2018 #

    Ok, i pressed modify in the indicator, and changed the last return line with that line you sent me. But it’s still an indicator? When i press the wizard to create bot i still have to put in the buy and sell signals, so it still doesn’t work mate

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      yes it is still an indicator obviously 🙂 But now you can get the signals (ones with arrows) with the “wizard”, mate. Learn to code and no need of wizard things anymore 😉
      Start with the first course:
      the advanced one should come this month.

  6. bezieh • 04/10/2018 #

    Oh okay, and how do i tell the wizard to buy and sell accoring to the arrows, because i only see the option to buy and sell when the indicator is under or over the price, thats the problem :p

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      You can also test values of indicator. Equal or not to 1 for example.

  7. bezieh • 04/10/2018 #

    Another question.. is it even needed to learn how to code, even if you seem to have found a good strategy with the wizard? Just because the wizard is simple, doesn’t mean it’s bad.. It’s usually the simple strategies that last good in the long run, just like trading manually, doing over complex shit will not do any good

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      No, but if you are able to code, you can use any of the codes around here and improve them for your own needs like this is the case for this indicator.

  8. Inertia • 04/10/2018 #

    Thank you Nicolas. Nice one 😉

  9. Matt B • 04/10/2018 #

    Bonjour Nicolas, je débute et suis intéressé par cet indicateur mais quand je copie/colle le code dans le mode “création d’indicateur” j’ai un message d’erreur : “erreur de syntaxe dans l’assignation” et la dernière ligne est grisée. Merci pour votre aide.

  10. Matt B • 04/10/2018 #

    c’est bon çà marche ! j’ai supprimé toutes les lignes vides du dessus

  11. Caribeengeek • 04/10/2018 #

    Bonjour j’avais vu que vous proposiez d’écrire des codes pour ceux qui s’y connaisse pas Maison je me rappel plus a quel e-mail vous envoyer svp c’est pour un screemer pour les devises time frame 1H merci d’avance

    • Nicolas • 04/10/2018 #

      Merci d’utiliser le forum pour les demandes de programmation personnalisée

  12. Caribeengeek • 04/10/2018 #

    Les devises unité

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