I have modified the version of Nicolas present in the library, added the colors and updated to version no. 2
This Is Version 2 Of This Indicator that now Finds Market Tops and Bottoms
Created by ChrisMoody on 11/03/2014.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 |
// CM_Laguerre PPO PctRank Tops-Bottoms // modificato CM_Laguerre PPO PercentileRank ora = tradingview // parameters : Short = 0.4 Long = 0.8 lkb = 200 //(Look back period) pctile = 90 //(Extreme threshold lines) midpctile = 70 //(Warning threshold lines) if(barindex>lkb) then hl2 = (high+low)/2 //laguerre short Ls0 = (1 - Short)*hl2+Short*(Ls0[1]) Ls1 = -Short*Ls0+(Ls0[1])+Short*(Ls1[1]) Ls2 = -Short*Ls1+(Ls1[1])+Short*(Ls2[1]) Ls3 = -Short*Ls2+(Ls2[1])+Short*(Ls3[1]) lmas = (Ls0 + 2*Ls1 + 2*Ls2 + Ls3)/6 //laguerre long Ll0 = (1 - Long)*hl2+Long*(Ll0[1]) Ll1 = -Long*Ll0+(Ll0[1])+Long*(Ll1[1]) Ll2 = -Long*Ll1+(Ll1[1])+Long*(Ll2[1]) Ll3 = -Long*Ll2+(Ll2[1])+Long*(Ll3[1]) lmal = (Ll0 + 2*Ll1 + 2*Ll2 + Ll3)/6 pctileB = pctile * -1 midpctileB = midpctile * -1 //PPO Plot ppoT = (lmas-lmal)/lmal*100 ppoB = (lmal-lmas)/lmal*100 //PercentRank of PPO // percent rank = nb of value less than our value / (nb of values less than our value + nb of values greater than our value) topvalueMinus = 0 topvaluePlus = 0 bottomvalueMinus = 0 bottomvaluePlus = 0 for i = 0 to lkb do if ppoT[i]<ppoT then topvalueMinus = topvalueMinus+1 else topvaluePlus = topvaluePlus+1 endif if ppoB[i]<ppoB then bottomvalueMinus = bottomvalueMinus+1 else bottomvaluePlus = bottomvaluePlus+1 endif next pctRankT = topvalueMinus / (topvalueMinus+topvaluePlus) pctRankB = (bottomvalueMinus / (bottomvalueMinus+bottomvaluePlus)) *-1 //coloring histogram TOP ROSSO if pctRankT>=pctile/100 then TopColor = 1 else TopColor = -1 endif //coloring histogram MID TOP ARANCIONE if pctRankT>=midpctile/100 and pctRankT < pctile/100 then TopColor = 2 endif if TopColor=1 then r=255 g=0 b=0 elsif TopColor<0 then r=128 g=128 b=128 Endif if TopColor=2 then r=255 g=140 b=0 elsif TopColor<0 then r=128 g=128 b=128 Endif //coloring histogram BOTTOM VERDE CHIARO if pctRankB <= pctileB/100 then BottomColor = 1 else BottomColor = -1 endif //coloring histogram MID BOTTOM VERDE SCURO if pctRankB <= midpctileB/100 and pctRankB > pctileB/100 then BottomColor = 3 endif if BottomColor = 1 then rr=255 gg=0 bb=255 elsif BottomColor < 0 then rr=211 gg=211 bb=211 Endif if BottomColor=3 then rr=0 gg=128 bb=0 elsif BottomColor>0 then rr=0 gg=255 bb=0 Endif endif RETURN pctRankT coloured(r,g,b) as "Top", pctRankB coloured(rr,gg,bb) as "Bottom", 0 coloured (105,105,105) as "zero line", pctile/100 coloured (255,0,0) as "Top Percentile Threshold", pctileB/100 coloured (0,128,0) as "Bottom Percentile Threshold", midpctile/100 coloured (255,140,0) as "Warning Top Percentile Threshold", (midpctile*-1)/100 coloured (0,255,0) as "Warning Bottom Percentile Threshold" |
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