A new way to understand markets with this program that can be used on any asset and on time units from “tick by tick” until 4 hours. This does not prevent it from being a very good “thermometer” for daily, weekly or monthly units by zooming out to the maximum (or with other opened price charts window) …
It allows to visualize the price evolution calculated from the real time levels and to draw segments by range of 20 in 20% while providing the remarkable numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, it also indicates the level of opening.
Four variables are available in settings, for:
- Adjust transparency of information
- Hide General Rectangle
- Hide Percent
- Hide the Fibonacci. All that can be mixed in his sauce …
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
// Daily Fibo_Percent | Graph Indicator // 15.12.2018 // Swapping @ www.forexswap.fr // Sharing ProRealTime knowledge (alt+16) DefParam DrawOnLastBarOnly = true // --- settings rectangle = 1 //(0=false;1=true) pourcentage = 1 //(0=false;1=true) fibonacci = 1 //(0=false;1=true) alpha = 255 // --- end of settings if day <> day[1] then startbar = barindex endif HiDay = dhigh(0) LowDay = dlow(0) if rectangle = 1 then DrawRectangle(startbar,HiDay,barindex,LowDay) coloured(123,0,0,alpha) else rectangle = 0 endif DrawText(" ◄ Open",barindex,dopen(0),Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(250,150,100,alpha) if pourcentage = 1 then pourcentage100 = (hiday-lowday)*1.0+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage100,barindex,pourcentage100) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" ◄ 100%",barindex,pourcentage100,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) pourcentage80 = (hiday-lowday)*.80+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage80,barindex,pourcentage80) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" 80%",barindex,pourcentage80,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) pourcentage60 = (hiday-lowday)*.6+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage60,barindex,pourcentage60) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" 60%",barindex,pourcentage60,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) pourcentage40 = (hiday-lowday)*.4+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage40,barindex,pourcentage40) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" 40%",barindex,pourcentage40,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) pourcentage20 = (hiday-lowday)*.2+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage20,barindex,pourcentage20) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" 20%",barindex,pourcentage20,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) pourcentage0 = (hiday-lowday)*.0+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,pourcentage0,barindex,pourcentage0) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) DrawText(" ◄ 0%",barindex,pourcentage0,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(150,200,50,alpha) else pourcentage = 0 endif if fibonacci = 1 then fib100 = (hiday-lowday)*1.0+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib100,barindex,fib100) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" ◄ 100%",barindex,fib100,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) fib764 = (hiday-lowday)*.764+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib764,barindex,fib764) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" 76.4%",barindex,fib764,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) fib618 = (hiday-lowday)*.618+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib618,barindex,fib618) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" 61.8%",barindex,fib618,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) fib382 = (hiday-lowday)*.382+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib382,barindex,fib382) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" 38.2%",barindex,fib382,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) fib236 = (hiday-lowday)*.236+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib236,barindex,fib236) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" 23.6%",barindex,fib236,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) fib0 = (hiday-lowday)*.0+lowday DrawSegment(startbar,fib0,barindex,fib0) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) DrawText(" ◄ 0%",barindex,fib0,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha) else fibonacci = 0 endif return |
Happy New Year holidays 2018 to all
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Is it possible to perform the indicator with fibonacci extension or expansion?
Yes, by exemple insert into line 51 and 52
fib1236 = (hiday-lowday)*1.236+lowday
DrawSegment(startbar,fib1236,barindex,fib1236) coloured(234,234,234,alpha)
DrawText(” ◄ 123.6%”,barindex,fib1236,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha)
fib1236 = (hiday-lowday)*1.236+lowday
DrawSegment(startbar,fib1236,barindex,fib1236) coloured(234,234,234,alpha)
DrawText(” ◄ 123.6%”,barindex,fib1236,Dialog,Bold,11) coloured(234,234,234,alpha)
Oups ! Nicolas il y a un problème avec l’insertion de code en utilisant le bouton [Add PRT code] qui ne prends pas en compte les lignes de code !