DAX Opening High Low first 10 minutes

DAX Opening High Low first 10 minutes

EN/ Here is a very useful indicator for those who practice the intraday. It is marking the first 10 minutes of the DAX and the opening of WALL-STREET (green and blue in the graph) .We noticed that the highest or lowest act of resistance / support and thus break out … able. Do not forget to fill the two indices once installed.


FR/ Voici un indicateur très utile pour ceux qui pratiquent de l’intraday.Il s’agit du marquage des 10 premières minutes du DAX et de l’ouverture de WALL-STREET(en vert et bleu dans le graphe).On remarquera que les plus hauts ou plus bas font office de résistance/support et donc break out…able.Ne pas oublier de faire le remplissage des deux indices une fois installé.



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  1. larouedegann • 10/23/2016 #

    best with this hour
    IF TIME =081000 THEN
    plusbas = lowest[2](low)
    mediane = (plushaut+plusbas)/2
    IF TIME = 162500 THEN
    plushaut1 = highest[2](high)
    plusbas1 = lowest[2](low)
    mediane1 = (plushaut1+plusbas1)/2
    RETURN plushaut AS “plus haut 8h-8h10”,plusbas AS “plus bas 8h-8h10”,plushaut1 AS “plus haut 16h15-15h25”,plusbas1 AS “plus bas 16h15-16h25”,mediane AS “médiane”,mediane1 AS “mediane1”

  2. CanAny1Trade • 10/23/2016 #

    Hi! I’m trying to put together a similar indicator but struggling. I want to mark the NY Pit session (9:30 AM – 4:00 PM) each day for US500 with a vertical line and the opening 30 second range with a horizontal box. Could you or anyone help with this?

    Kind Regards

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