Directional Volatility

Directional Volatility

Directional Volatility indicator. The indicator displays two volatility lines – bullish and bearish ones.

It has two configurable parameters:

  • Period – calculation period
  • Deviation – deviation

It is calculated with the standard deviation from a mean of the last X Period, made of distance between the last Close with the High/Low depending of the direction (short or long curves).

Converted from a mq5 indicator by a request in the English forum.


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  1. Bard • 11/27/2018 #

    Thanks for this great addition. How would you “finish the syntax” if you were to use an ALMA moving average? Tried adding the ALMA code and Calling it. Please see code where I have used “///////////” for syntax issue. Thanks,

  2. Bard • 11/27/2018 #

    Problems with Safari latest s/ware and this site and links and adding code.
    Let me add the code here:

  3. grimweasel47 • 11/27/2018 #

    Ok thanks Nicolas – could this be adapted to take into account MFI and then have price, volume and vola bands around the current price bars on the chart at all?

    • Nicolas • 11/27/2018 #

      I don’t understand what you mean exactly, would be better to open a topic about this idea with a complete explanation; so I would be able to help much better.

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