Donchian bias determinator

Donchian bias determinator

This ‘Donchian bias determinator’ indicator can be used to detect an open or close outside the Donchian channel. After a close on the upper side, the candle colors Blue and after a close below the lower side, the candle colors Red. It is a simplified way to play the Donchian 4 weeks rule (Not yet automated). You can tweak this indicator to your own needs, for example, I left away the Donchian channel to get a plain vanilla chart. (attached images).

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  1. Marcel • 11/06/2017 #

    If you are interested in my way of trading, please follow me on Twitter @MvvTrading

  2. Genotik • 11/06/2017 #

    Excellent, merci !

  3. diegofe_2000 • 11/06/2017 #

    Excelente indicador, felicitaciones, muy bueno

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