Dynamic Indicator

Dynamic Indicator

I present this new “Dynamic Indicator”.

Aesthetics is in the form of a histogram for more simplicity, it is as useful as my last indicator “Volatility and Amplitude“.

Using a range indicator, Dynamic Indicator is able to calculate price volatility and the amplitude of a movement.If the amplitude is less than the volatility, then the indicator detects a non-dynamic phase, these phases are represented by the red candlesticks.

Conversely, if the amplitude is good, then the indicator returns a green candlestick.

The current setting is fine, I use this indicator on three different timeframes to avoid using too high volatility parameters and miss the start of opportunities.

I find that in this form it gives its full potential.However, as an external variable, you can change the volatility parameters.

The rectangles were drawn manually to image the information of the indicator on the three temporalities.

To sum up, it is not advisable to take opportunities in non-directional phases.


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