Dynamic support and resistance intraday

Dynamic support and resistance intraday

Intraday supports and resistances plotted on your chart!  This indicator will fetch the whole intraday price values to find relevant support and resistance zones for you. “only” 10 support and resistances lines will be plotted.

These lines are reset each day to make them appearing once new support or resistance are found.

The 20 values (10 resistances and 10 supports) are returned and could be used with any automatic trading program


n = periods to find highest high and lowest low for new support / resistance comparing

tolerance = value in point to expand or narrow the old support / resistance value with the new found ones

lookback = period lookback to confirm support and resistance areas

showSupport = true or false

showResistance = true of false


Original code and idea from @Rorschack from this topic: https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/swing-lines-indicator/


original code and idea from @Rorschack in this topic:

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  1. tradingpro • 08/29/2017 #

    si vedono i puntini e basso
    come mai?

  2. Wing • 08/29/2017 #

    Looks excellent. Can’t wait to experiment with it!

  3. Toto le Heros • 08/29/2017 #

    Hi Nicolas,
    Thanks for this. Looks interresting.
    Unfortunately the display on my price graph is not readable. Looks like some S/R=0 so that the vertical scale starts from 0 (to 12 350 on DAX)… so that I cannot see anything…
    Any idea from where the issue might come ? (I tried with 25 units, 50 units, 1 000 units display… but the issue remains the same).
    Thanks again and in advance for your “support” 😉

  4. Nicolas • 08/29/2017 #

    Use vertical axis alignment only in indicators setting

  5. DonMasser • 08/29/2017 #

    Nicolas ( or anyone) would you know how to program a ‘WAIT’. In other words, in auto trading when this indicator above appears I want to wait until my DEMA has changed direction as well.
    Any idea how to write code to ‘wait’ for X or Y to happen before buying or selling. Appreciate in advance any help

  6. poldoposta • 08/29/2017 #

    Con time frame daily funzionerebbe correttamente? per multiday

  7. poldoposta • 08/29/2017 #

    con tf daily funzionerebbe per Mday???

    • Nicolas • 08/29/2017 #

      Questo indicatore è stato progettato solo per i dati intraday, ma potrebbe essere adattato ad altre unità di tempo maggiori o uguali a Giornaliero. Se necessario, si prega di creare un argomento nel forum per fare questa richiesta.

  8. MrCrous • 08/29/2017 #


    Dans le code ci dessus, je ne comprends pas ce que fait la ligne : linear = (resistance[1] + linear) / 2
    Ni celle de la condition : newlineass = (newlineas[i] + newlineas)/2
    Auriez vous quelques explications s’il vous plait ?


    Within the above code, what does the lines :
    -linear = (resistance[1] + linear) / 2
    – newlineass = (newlineas[i] + newlineas)/2

    Do, please?

    Thank you,

    • Nicolas • 08/29/2017 #

      J’ai déjà répondu à cette question quelque part sur le forum. Il faudrait chercher un topic sur le sujet de cet indicateur. Désolé je ne peux pas pour le moment

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